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CKAN is an open-source DMS (data management system) for powering data hubs and data portals. CKAN makes it easy to publish, share and use data. It powers,, among many other sites.

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OLIV853 opened this issue · comments

103 143 152 165

Hello sir.

I would like to inform you that there are other Indonesian government sites that have been hacked and phished to be turned into online gambling portals and there are lots of them, you can check them on Google with the keywords:

To access the link, you can only click on it from Google and from the mobile/handphone version, this is the hacker's way now so that they are not easily detected. You can open an example of one of the links from the mobile/handphone version:

If you click on the mobile version of Google and the button inside will lead to the online gambling site

This is clearly very insulting and degrading to the Indonesian government site. Please find the perpetrator and then arrest and imprison him in accordance with applicable laws and articles.

As an Indonesian citizen, I would like to emphasize that online gambling is clearly prohibited by Indonesian law. In accordance with Article 27 paragraph (2) of the ITE Law, this act is a prohibited act. Therefore, individuals are prohibited from distributing, transmitting or making accessible gambling content online.

I have attached clear photographic evidence related to this case. My request is that you immediately take the necessary action to delete this sub-domain and online gambling page, or at least suspend access immediately so that online gambling content cannot be accessed. I hope that firm steps will be taken to ensure the integrity of the father's name is maintained and to avoid potential legal problems in the future.

We aren't maintaining those sites and you would have to contact the maintainers of those sites instead of ckan project to remove the spam. We cannot do anything.

Ask the site owners to disable user registration

ckan.auth.create_user_via_web = false

restrict the upload file types

ckan.upload.user.mimetypes = image/png image/gif image/jpeg

and clean the spam user accounts with

ckan clean users