cisprague / smarc_msgs

Message definitions for the SMARC auvs

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The aim of the SMARC ROS interface is to define a common interface that can be implemented across a range of AUVs. This enables the implementation of a shared set of components on top of these interfaces. It is not the goal of this document to define those components, although that is also part of the SMARC ROS system.

To give some examples, our goal is to share at least the following components:

  • Controllers, when actuation is the same
  • Planner interface (behavior tree in our case)
  • Mission planning interface (Neptus in our case)
  • Sensor interfaces, enabling shared inspection tools
  • GUI

It should be noted that the interface defined here might only be a subset of the full interface on the vehicle ROS system. Reasons for adding more (non-standard) interfaces might be differentiated actuators, which can not be shared across vehicles, or that some vehicle provides more sensors or other sources of information.

The general philosophy of this document is that we need to test out interfaces on at least one vehicle before proposing to integrate them in this standard interface. If a new interface is needed, and has been tested, open a pull request with the proposed changes!


This section discusses the division of the interfaces into namespaces and repos.


We will refer to the global vehicle namespace as /vehicle. On the vehicles, this is replaced by the name of the vehicle, and may be e.g. /sam or /lolo. All topics on the vehicles should be under this namespace. The rationale for this is mainly that we can then run multiple vehicle systems within one simulator session, without topic names colliding.

  • /vehicle/core - contains the sensors and actuators that are always available on the vehicle, also when no controllers or other higher-level functionality is running. It also includes basic control interfaces such as abort functionality, see Core interface
  • /vehicle/ctrl - contains topics and nodes relating to actuator controllers (e.g. depth, heading, altitude control), see Controller interfaces
  • /vehicle/dr - contains interfaces related to dead reckoning, see Dead reckoning
  • /vehicle/payload - contains sensors and actuators that are not always available on all versions of all vehicles, such as sidescan, multi-beam, cameras etc., see Payloads

The rationale for dividing everything into high-level namespaces is that this makes it easier to debug the system with ROS tools. For example, the rqt_graph presents a visual overview of topics and tools organized by namespaces, and allows collapsing the ones we are not interested in. This allows debugging of the subparts, rather than the whole system.


This document defines interfaces based on messages in the standard ROS package repositories, and the smarc_msgs repo. Any vehicle-specific messages (outside the scope of this document) should be defined in separate packages. The rationale for this division is that the smarc_msgs repo together with this document (or future versions thereof) might be used as a specification of the shared interface.


The following rules of thumbs holds for all interfaces:

  • Always SI units unless otherwise specified
  • All distances and positions are in meters (m) unless otherwise specified
  • All angles except lat/lon are reported in radians (rad).
  • Latitude/longitude coordinates are in degrees (deg)
  • All speeds are in meters per second (m/s)
  • All temperatures are in degrees celsius (deg C)
  • Conductivity is reported as milli-Siemens per centimeter (mS/cm)
  • Percentages are in the range [0, 1]
  • Depth is always distance below water surface
  • Altitude in the case of control refers to distance above sea floor but may otherwise refer to upwards distance in coordinate system
  • All coordinate systems are right-handed (see TF for more information)

As discussed in the TF section, we are using ENU coordinate systems. As this includes angles, the "heading" of the vehicle is reported as yaw (right-handed rotation z-axis pointing upwards).


The UTM zone parameters are used in dead reckoning interfaces and the planning (Neptus and behavior tree) interfaces. We define the interactions with our coordinate system in the TF section. Note that UTM zone should never be automatically calculated from GPS position but instead by looking at these parameters. The rationale is that this enables us to cross UTM zones while keeping the coordinate system. The UTM zones are defined in such a way as too allowing use even outside the bounds.

  • UTM Zone - int as /utm_zone, should be set at startup, the UTM longitude zone to use throughout the mission
  • UTM band - string as /utm_band, should be set at startup, the UTM latitude band to use throughout the mission
  • Maximum dive depth - double as /vehicle/max_dive_depth, should be set at startup and be respected by controllers and mission execution (BT)
  • Minimum altitude - double as /vehicle/min_altitude, should be set at startup and be respected by controllers and mission execution (BT)
  • Maximum pitch - double as /vehicle/max_pitch, in either direction, should be set at startup and be respected by controllers and mission execution (BT)
  • Maximum roll - double as /vehicle/max_roll, in either direction, should be set at startup and be respected by controllers and mission execution (BT)
  • Maximum dive time (s) - int as /vehicle/max_roll, in seconds, should be set at startup and be respected by mission execution (BT)

Topic interfaces

Core interface

Core sensor interfaces

The base set of sensors are all under the /vehicle/core namespace. They are all publishers. All of these messages contain headers with timestamp and they should be filled out as well as possible. Their frame_id should always be filled in with a valid frame in the TF tree that corresponds to the sensor position on the vehicle. Note that both measurements both in NED and ENU coordinates can be handled as long is care is taken to define the correct frame in the TF tree, see the TF section for more details.

  • IMU - sensor_msgs/Imu on /vehicle/core/imu
  • Pressure sensor - sensor_msgs/FluidPressure on /vehicle/core/pressure
  • GPS - sensor_msgs/NavSatFix on /vehicle/core/gps
  • Compass - sensor_msgs/MagneticField on /vehicle/core/compass
  • DVL - smarc_msgs/DVL on /vehicle/core/dvl (copied from uuv_sensor_ros_plugins_msgs/DVL)
  • DVL status - smarc_msgs/SensorStatus on /vehicle/core/dvl_status, indicates status of DVL (for more info, see Payloads)
  • Leak - smarc_msgs/Leak on /vehicle/core/leak
  • Battery - sensor_msgs/BatteryState on /vehicle/core/battery

We also define a service to turn on and off the DVL. If this is not possible, it should return false.

  • Enable/disable DVL - std_srvs/SetBool on /vehicle/core/toggle_dvl - send true to turn on and false to turn off, returns true if successful

We propose including the definition from uuv_sensor_ros_plugins_msgs/DVL as a message within smarc_msgs in order to remove unnecessary dependencies. Note that this definition is identical to the one in cola2_msgs.

Core actuator interface

These are the first actuator interfaces that will be part of the common interface. More will be added in the future, see Near future extensions for possible examples.

Commands (subscribed to by vehicle):

  • Thruster RPM - smarc_msgs/ThrusterRPM on /vehicle/core/thruster{N}_cmd, where N signifies the number of the thruster. Thrusters are numbered either left-to-right or front-to-back, or both, depending on the configuration. NOTE: Needs to be published at 10Hz to have effect.

Feedbacks (published by vehicle):

  • Thruster feedback - smarc_msgs/ThrusterFeedback on /vehicle/core/thruster{N}_fb

Core system interfaces

  • Abort - std_msgs/Empty on /vehicle/core/abort, aborts current mission, vehicle should surface by itself, with no more control from ROS system

Near future extensions

There are also a few preliminary ideas about how to combine the VBS and centre of gravity control. Basically, you would be able to set the buoyancy of the vehicle with the VBS command, and have the TCG and LCG commands control physical or virtual masses moving around the vehicle (water being pumped around the tanks in the case of Lolo). From initial discussions, it seems like both TCG and LCG should be defined as a value centered around 0, possible positive or negative percentages.


  • VBS - smarc_msgs/PercentStamped on /vehicle/core/vbs_cmd
  • LCG - to be decided
  • TCG - to be decided


  • VBS feedback - smarc_msgs/PercentStamped on /vehicle/core/vbs_fb
  • LCG feedback - to be decided
  • TCG feedback - to be decided

Controller interfaces

All controllers reside in the /vehicle/ctrl namespace. The target of a control may refer to either of heading, depth, altitude, speed, pitch or roll. All controllers can be turned on or off by calling the /vehicle/ctrl/toggle_{target}_ctrl service with true or false respectively. If a command setpoint is sent to /vehicle/ctrl/{target}_setpoint when enabled, the controller tries to control, otherwise not. Instead of implementing this interface, one can also implement the control setpoint topic /vehicle/ctrl/{target}_setpoint_freq that requires publishing at 1hz to control but has no service. One can then use the control_throttle_service to automatically implement the actual interface, see Controller implementation.

If two controllers that are conflicting are activated at the same time, the result is currently undefined. The same holds for publishing to an actuator that is at the same time controlled by a controller. In the first case, it is however recommended that the controller activated second returns false upon request to activate.

Basic controller topics

If there are multiple controllers to control one target, they should generally all subscribe to the same topic. However, only one should be enabled using the services (see next section) at any given time.

  • Heading - std_msgs/Float64 on /vehicle/ctrl/yaw_setpoint
  • Depth - std_msgs/Float64 on /vehicle/ctrl/depth_setpoint
  • Altitude - std_msgs/Float64 on /vehicle/ctrl/altitude_setpoint
  • Speed - std_msgs/Float64 on /vehicle/ctrl/speed_setpoint
  • Pitch - std_msgs/Float64 on /vehicle/ctrl/pitch_setpoint
  • Roll - std_msgs/Float64 on /vehicle/ctrl/roll_setpoint

Basic controller services

If the vehicle implements any of the control targets above, they should subscribe to the associated topic and offer the service below. If there are multiple controllers for the same target, the additional ones may offer services with other suitable names (within the /vehicle/ctrl namespace) in order to be enabled or disabled.

  • Toggle heading ctrl - std_srvs/SetBool on /vehicle/ctrl/toggle_heading_ctrl
  • Toggle depth ctrl - std_srvs/SetBool on /vehicle/ctrl/toggle_depth_ctrl
  • Toggle altitude ctrl - std_srvs/SetBool on /vehicle/ctrl/toggle_altitude_ctrl
  • Toggle speed ctrl - std_srvs/SetBool on /vehicle/ctrl/toggle_speed_ctrl
  • Toggle pitch ctrl - std_srvs/SetBool on /vehicle/ctrl/toggle_pitch_ctrl
  • Toggle roll ctrl - std_srvs/SetBool on /vehicle/ctrl/toggle_roll_ctrl

If the controllers are implemented using the /vehicle/ctrl/{target}_setpoint_freq scheme (see Controller implementation) they may need to offer multiple freq topics, that are then mapped to the same topic by the convenience node.

Controller status topics

We propose adding a new message smarc_msgs/ControllerStatus that allows the controllers to announce that they can control a particular target. It is also used to monitor which controller is controlling any given target at a particular time. It is expected that all controllers that can control any of the targets above publish to the following topics at 1hz, running or not:

  • Heading - smarc_msgs/ControllerStatus on /vehicle/ctrl/yaw_controller_status
  • Depth - smarc_msgs/ControllerStatus on /vehicle/ctrl/depth_controller_status
  • Altitude - smarc_msgs/ControllerStatus on /vehicle/ctrl/altitude_controller_status
  • Speed - smarc_msgs/ControllerStatus on /vehicle/ctrl/speed_controller_status
  • Pitch - smarc_msgs/ControllerStatus on /vehicle/ctrl/pitch_controller_status
  • Roll - smarc_msgs/ControllerStatus on /vehicle/ctrl/roll_controller_status

Planners (advanced controllers)

Planners are high-level components that may use several primitive controllers to achieve a task. Examples may be navigation to a waypoint, or surveying a pipeline. Their interface is defined using actionlib actions. The rationale for using actionlib is that these are often long-running tasks. The higher-level decision making system (behavior tree) therefore needs ability to monitor progress or cancel the task. actionlib provides an interface for both of these things, together with convenience libraries in python and c++ to implement actions.

We propose adding the smarc_msgs/GotoWaypoint action to specify a waypoint to travel to. In addition to specifying navigation by depth or altitude control, it also allows setting RPM or speed control. One can also disable all of these if other controllers should be used for these targets. Note that the action definition is future compatible in the sense that we can always add new fields in a source-compatible way. The action definition is therefore purposefully kept minimal in this proposal. Note that, at the moment, implementations only respect the xy position of the waypoint. The z component and orientation might be used in the future.


  • Go to waypoint - smarc_msgs/GotoWaypointAction on /vehicle/ctrl/goto_waypoint

Dead reckoning

All dead reckoning topics and nodes reside within the /vehicle/dr namespace. Note that the odometry topic may be used to construct the TF transformations. In general, the TF tree will be used to construct the convenience topics: latitude, longitude, depth, yaw, pitch and roll.


  • Dead reckoning odometry (poses, velocities and uncertainties) - nav_msgs/Odometry on topic /vehicle/dr/odom
  • Latitude longitude position - geographic_msgs/GeoPoint on /vehicle/dr/lat_lon
  • Estimated depth - std_msgs/Float64 on /vehicle/dr/depth
  • Estimated yaw - std_msgs/Float64 on /vehicle/dr/yaw
  • Estimated pitch - std_msgs/Float64 on /vehicle/dr/pitch
  • Estimated roll - std_msgs/Float64 on /vehicle/dr/roll


The TF tree can be constructed from the /vehicle/dr/odom topic. If /vehicle/dr/odom is present, it is therefore not necessary to provide the TF tree, although some implementations provide both as one package. For frame naming, we follow REP 105 wherever possible, except that we define a utm frame instead of earth (see details below). Note that using REP 105 also means that positions are generally defined in ENU coordinates, with x corresponding to easting, y to northing and z to height.

Main frames

  • Shared UTM frame - utm
  • Shared local map frame - map
  • Vehicle odometry frame vehicle/odom
  • Vehicle origin frame vehicle/base_link
  • Frames for sensors, as referenced in the header stamp/frame_id messages. E.g. vehicle/imu_link

The resulting TF tree has the structure utm -> map -> vehicle/odom -> vehicle/base_link -> vehicle/imu_link. Note that imu_link can be exchanged for any other frame on the vehicle.

The utm -> vehicle/base_link is the most interesting transform as it provides the vehicle pose in the coordinate system of the local UTM zone. Which UTM zone this is referring to is given by the /utm_zone and /utm_band parameters, which are set at start-up.

NED Convenience frames

These can be useful if we need to get poses in NED coordinates. It should not be used within the ROS system but only to relay information to other systems that used NED.

  • UTM NED frame - utm_ned - rotated parent to utm that allos getting vehicle pose in NED coordinates

A note on NED oriented sensors

If sensors such as IMU or GYRO report measurements in a NED coordinate system, we can still use those measurements as-is on the vehicle. However, we need to make sure that these sensors are added in a NED-rotated frame on the vehicle (upside down etc.). They can then be used in any pre-existing features that rely on TF to get measurement poses.


These are all optional. They do not need to be published to fulfill the ROS interface specification, but if they are, the should be available in the form presented here.

Payload sensor topics

  • Sidescan - smarc_msgs/SideScan on topic /vehicle/payload/sidescan
  • CTD - smarc_msgs/CTD on topic /vehicle/payload/ctd

Payload sensor services

  • Enable/disable sidescan - std_srvs/SetBool on /vehicle/payload/toggle_sidescan - send true to turn on and false to turn off, returns true if successful

Payload sensor status topics

We propose adding a new message smarc_msgs/SensorStatus that allows the sensor to announce it's current status, i.e. "active", "inactive" and "error". It is expected that sensors with this feedback publish to the following topics at 1hz, active or not:

  • Sidescan status - smarc_msgs/SensorStatus on /vehicle/payload/sidescan_status, indicates status of sidescan

Tools aiding implementation

These tools are not part of the vehicle interface specification since they are not required to be implemented for each vehicle. Nodes already exist that implement them, you might expect them to be running on the system, and they may be used to implement the vehicle interface.

tf_lat_lon package

Apart from the services, the tf_lat_lon package also offers a c++ library for doing conversions between tf and latitude/longitude.

Services (always there)

We propose adding two new service types smarc_msgs/LatLonToUTM and smarc_msgs/UTMToLatLon to convert between latitude longitude and UTM. Both these and the topic assume that the variables /utm_zone and /utm_band are set (see Parameters) and always use that UTM zone, regardless of the lat/lon position.

  • Lat lon to UTM conversion - smarc_msgs/LatLonToUTM on /vehicle/dr/lat_lon_to_utm
  • UTM to lat lon conversion - smarc_msgs/UTMToLatLon on /vehicle/dr/utm_to_lat_lon

Topics (if needed for Dead reckoning interface)

  • Latitude longitude from TF - geographic_msgs/GeoPoint on /vehicle/dr/lat_lon

Controller implementation

For each controller specified in the controller section, we may alternatively implement them to require setpoints at a certain frequency to keep going. In order to translate it to the interface above, we offer a node that repeats a setpoint at a certain frequency depending on if the service has been called to activate the controller. In the specification below, {target} may be either of heading, depth, altitude, speed, pitch or roll. Since they all take in std_msgs/Float64, we can just launch multiple instances of the same node, one for every controlled target.


  • control_throttle_service - offers service /vehicle/ctrl/toggle_{target}_ctrl to start and stop publishing to /vehicle/ctrl/{target}_setpoint_freq. Listens to /vehicle/ctrl/{target}_setpoint and republishes at a set frequency if started


Message definitions for the SMARC auvs



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