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Tring to convert JWT to JWE but facing some error, Here are my code and output

mudasarali88 opened this issue · comments

After phone auth from firebase I got idToken from it that is a JWT as according to my R&D and I want to convert it into JWE but all my tries are failed. I am trying React JS. Here is my code. I also tried in Express JS but same error faced. Kindly guide me where I am wrong. I have used Node-Jose for my tries.

`const createJWE = async () => {
// Payload to be included in the JWT
const payload = {
idToken: 'token',
try {
// Sign the JWT
const jwt = await jose.JWS.createSign({ format: 'compact' }, { key: rsaPublicKey }).update(JSON.stringify(payload)).final();

      // Encrypt the JWT to create a JWE
      const jwe = await jose.JWE.createEncrypt({ format: 'compact' }, { key: rsaPublicKey }).update(jwt).final();
 } catch (error) {
      console.error('JWE Creation Error:', error);
