cisco / node-jose

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

concat-kdf algorithm returns too many bytes in some cases

ljoy913 opened this issue · comments

The caller passes in the desired keyLength which is expected as a bit count.
The slice call that returns the derived bytes, keyLength, as bits instead of bytes, returns the entire result without truncating.


function concatDeriveFn(name) {
    var N = Math.ceil(keyLen / hashLen),   <==  keyLen is expected to be in bits to compute # of iterations
        idx = 0,
        okm = [];
    function step() {
      if (N === idx++) {
        return Buffer.concat(okm).slice(0, keyLen );   <==  keyLen is expected to be a byte count for slice()}

Dividing by 8 should fix the problem:

return Buffer.concat(okm).slice(0, Math.ceil(keyLen / 8))