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Various SNMP MIBs from Cisco

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EdnardoMaximiliano opened this issue · comments

-- Date : 2014-01-07 15:27:57
-- Author : NetWork Team(

-- Intelbras enterprise MIB tree

TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString, TruthValue, RowStatus
OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, Integer32, Opaque, enterprises, TimeTicks, IpAddress

	LAST-UPDATED	"201503261112Z"
	ORGANIZATION	"Organization"
		Author       :  NetWork Team
		Phone        :  
		Email        :
		Address      :  
		Postalcode   :  310053"
	DESCRIPTION		"add OID: memoryInfo, operatingSystemInfo, physicalVolumeNumber, physicalVolumeUsage, physicalVolumeTotal,  remoteDeviceInfo"
	REVISION	"201503251112Z"
	DESCRIPTION		"add OID: videoChannelInfo, videoChannelStatusTable"
	REVISION	"201503201112Z"
	DESCRIPTION		"del OID: capabilityInfo, encodeCapability, mainStreamCapabilityInfo, extraStreamCapabilityInfo"
	REVISION		"201501191112Z"
	DESCRIPTION		"add OID: capabilityInfo, encodeCapability, location, deviceUpTime , systemStatus , systemTime, mainStreamCapabilityInfo, extraStreamCapabilityInfo"
	REVISION		"201501191112Z"
	DESCRIPTION		"add OID: evsEvent , netMonitorAbortEvent , volumeGroupFaultEvent, nasServerStatusEvent, serverName"
	REVISION		"201412041112Z"
	DESCRIPTION		"add OID: recordConfig , recordPlanInfo , recordMainStreamInfoTable, recordExtraStreamInfoTable, physicalVolumeTotal, physicalVolumeFree,
						recordEvent, recordMainStreamEvent, recordExtraStreamEvent, snmpStatusEvent, snmpStatus, physicalVolumeThreshold"
	REVISION		"201404281112Z"
	DESCRIPTION		"add OID: cpuUsage, lastestEvent, storageInfo, physicalVolume, raidVolume, storageFailureEvent,
						storageFailureEvent, storageLowSpaceEvent, storageInOutEvent, storageSMARTAbnormityEvent"
	REVISION		"201402141112Z"
	DESCRIPTION 	" add OID : intelSnmpTrap, videoMotionEvent, videoBlindEvent, videoLossEvent, localAlarmEvent, action, currentTime"	
	REVISION 		"201401071427Z"
	DESCRIPTION		"This file defines the private Intelbras SNMP MIB extensions for all the device."
		::=  {  intel 2 }

intel 								OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  1 3 6 1 4 1 1004849}
systemInfo                         	OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  device  1  }
	versionInfo                    	OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  systemInfo  1  }
	productInfo						OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  systemInfo  2  }
networkInfo						   	OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  device  2  }
	networkPort						OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  networkInfo  1  }
	tcpIpInfo						OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  networkInfo  2  }
configInfo							OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  device  3  }
	encodeConfig 						OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  configInfo  1  }
	eventConfig							OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  configInfo  2  }
		videoDetectConfig					OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  eventConfig  1  }
		alarmConfig							OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  eventConfig  2  }
		exceptionConfig						OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  eventConfig  3  }
	recordConfig						OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  configInfo  3  }
		recordPlanInfo						OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  recordConfig  1  }
storageInfo							OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  device  4  }

products							OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  device  10  }
	videoChannelInfo				OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  products  1  }
	remoteDeviceInfo				OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  products  2  }
	ipc								OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  products  3  }
	evs								OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  products  4  }
	nvd								OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  products  5  }
notification                       	OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  device  11  }
	multiMediaEvent 				OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  notification  11 }
	alarmEvent 						OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  notification  12 }
	storageEvent					OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  notification  13 }
	recordEvent						OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  notification  14 }
	evsEvent						OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  notification  15 }
	powerEvent						OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  notification  16 }
	keepAliveEvent					OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  notification  17 }
intelSnmpTrap						OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  device  12  }

-- systemInfo 
	-- versionInfo
		-- softwareRevision
		-- hardwareRevision
	-- productInfo
	-- cpuUsage
	-- lastestEvent
	-- encodeConfig
softwareRevision             OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The software version"
    ::=  {  versionInfo  1  }
hardwareRevision             OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The hardware version"
    ::=  {  versionInfo  2  }

videoChannel			OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The number of video channel."
    ::=  {  productInfo  1  }
alarmInput				OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The number of alarm input."
    ::=  {  productInfo  2  }
alarmOutput				OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The number of alarm output."
    ::=  {  productInfo  3  }
serialNumber			OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The device serial number."
    ::=  {  productInfo  4  }
systemVersion			OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The system Version of device."
    ::=  {  productInfo  5  }
deviceType				OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The device mode (e.g. DH-IPC-K100W)."
    ::=  {  productInfo  6  }
deviceClass				OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The device class."
    ::=  {  productInfo  7  }
deviceStatus  			OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER{bad(0), good(1)}
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "Status of device is bad(0) or good(1)."
    ::=  {  productInfo  8  }
machineName				OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The name of the device."
    ::=  {  productInfo  9  }
location				OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The location of the device. eg: Hang Zhou|BingJiang|Intelbras|D10"
    ::=  {  productInfo  10  }
cpuUsage					OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "Usage of the CPU."
    ::=  {  systemInfo  3  }
lastestEvent		OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The type of the lastest event."
    ::=  {  systemInfo  4  }
encodeNo			OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The number of  encode channels which are available."
    ::=  {  systemInfo  5  }

deviceUpTime			OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              TimeTicks
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The time (in hundredths of a second) since the system was last
    ::=  {  systemInfo  6  }

systemStatus			OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER{online(0), offline(1), reboot(2)}
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "the system status , you can use setRequest to set the system status."
    ::=  {  systemInfo  7  }
systemTime			OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString(SIZE(19))
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "currentTime format: YYYY/MM/DD HOUR:MIN:SEC. eg: 2014/10/13 10:32:31"
    ::=  {  systemInfo  8  }
-- memoryInfo
	-- memoryTotal
	-- memoryUsage
memoryInfo						OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  systemInfo  9  }

memoryTotal			OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "the total size (mb) of system memory."
    ::=  {  memoryInfo  1  }
memoryUsage			OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER (0..100)
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "Usage of the memory."
    ::=  {  memoryInfo  2  }
-- operatingSystemInfo
	-- osName
	-- osVersion
operatingSystemInfo						OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  systemInfo  10  }

    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "the name of operating system."
    ::=  {  operatingSystemInfo  1  }
osVersion			OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "the version of operating system."
    ::=  {  operatingSystemInfo  2  }
-- networkInfo
	-- networkPort
tcpPort					OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "TCP port."
    ::=  {  networkPort  1  }
udpPort					OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "UDP port."
    ::=  {  networkPort  2  }
httpPort				OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "HTTP port."
    ::=  {  networkPort  3  }
rtspPort				OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "RTSP port."
    ::=  {  networkPort  4  }
maxConnectNum			OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The number of max connect."
    ::=  {  networkPort  5  }
httpsPort				OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "HTTPS port."
    ::=  {  networkPort  6  }	
-- tcpIpInfo

getIpmode					OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER{static(0), dhcp(1)}
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The mode of getting IP, value: 0=static, 1=DHCP."
    ::=  {  tcpIpInfo  1  }

macAddr					OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The address of MAC (e,g. F8:B1:56:A1:AD:A7)."
    ::=  {  tcpIpInfo  2  }
ipVersion				OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER{ipv4(0), ipv6(1)}
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The version of IP, value: 0=IPv4, 1=IPv6."
    ::=  {  tcpIpInfo  3  }
subnetMast					OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The infomation of subnet mast(e.g."
    ::=  {  tcpIpInfo  4  }
defaultGateway			OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The infomation of default gateway(e.g."
    ::=  {  tcpIpInfo  5  }
preferredDns				OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The infomation of the preferred DNS service address(e.g."
    ::=  {  tcpIpInfo  6  }
alternateDns			OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The infomation of the alternate DNS service address (e.g."
    ::=  {  tcpIpInfo  7  }
ipAddr					OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The address of IP (e.g."
    ::=  {  tcpIpInfo  8 }

	-- encodeConfig
				-- regularChannelNo
				-- regularCompression
				-- regularFPS
				-- regularResolution
				-- mdChannelNo
				-- mdCompression
				-- mdFPS
				-- mdResolution
				-- alarmChannelNo
				-- alarmCompression
				-- alarmFPS
				-- alarmResolution
mainStreamInfo 							OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  encodeConfig  1  }
extraStreamInfo 						OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  {  encodeConfig  2  }

	-- regularStreamInfoTable
		-- regularStreamInfoTableEntry
			-- regularChannelNo
			-- regularCompression
			-- regularFPS
			-- regularResolution
regularStreamInfoTable	 OBJECT-TYPE	
	SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF RegularStreamInfoEntry 
	ACCESS           not-accessible
	STATUS           current
	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the main stream channel"
	::=  {  mainStreamInfo  1  }  
regularStreamInfoEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
    	SYNTAX           RegularStreamInfoEntry
    	ACCESS           not-accessible
    	STATUS           current
    	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the main stream channel list"
    	INDEX            {  regularChannelNo  }
    	::=  {  regularStreamInfoTable  1  }
RegularStreamInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    	regularChannelNo       			INTEGER,
		regularCompression				DisplayString,
		regularFPS						INTEGER,
		regularResolution				DisplayString,
		regularBitRate					INTEGER

regularChannelNo             OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The number of main channel."
    ::=  {  regularStreamInfoEntry  1  }
regularCompression      OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The compression mode of the main channel which stream-type is the regular. (e. g. 
	MPEG4 MPEG2 MPEG1 MJPG H.263 H.264 H.265)"
    ::=  {  regularStreamInfoEntry  2  }
regularFPS        		OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "FPS of the main channel which stream-type is the regular."
    ::=  {  regularStreamInfoEntry  3  }
regularResolution       OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "resolution of the main channel which stream-type is the regular ."
    ::=  {  regularStreamInfoEntry  4  }
regularBitRate        		OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "bit rate of the main channel which stream-type is the regular."
    ::=  {  regularStreamInfoEntry  5  }
	-- mdStreamInfoTable
		-- mdStreamInfoTableEntry
			-- mdChannelNo
			-- mdCompression
			-- mdFPS
			-- mdResolution
mdStreamInfoTable	 OBJECT-TYPE	
	SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF MdStreamInfoEntry 
	ACCESS           not-accessible
	STATUS           current
	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the main stream channel"
	::=  {  mainStreamInfo  2  }  
mdStreamInfoEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
    	SYNTAX           MdStreamInfoEntry
    	ACCESS           not-accessible
    	STATUS           current
    	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the main stream channel list"
    	INDEX            {  mdChannelNo  }
    	::=  {  mdStreamInfoTable  1  }

MdStreamInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    	mdChannelNo       			INTEGER,
		mdCompression				DisplayString,
		mdFPS						INTEGER,
		mdResolution				DisplayString,
		mdBitRate					INTEGER

mdChannelNo             OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The number of main channel."
    ::=  {  mdStreamInfoEntry  1  }
mdCompression      OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The compression mode of the main channel which stream-type is the move-detection(e. g. 
	MPEG4 MPEG2 MPEG1 MJPG H.263 H.264 H.265)."
    ::=  {  mdStreamInfoEntry  2  }
mdFPS        		OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "FPS of the main channel which stream-type is the move-detection."
    ::=  {  mdStreamInfoEntry  3  }
mdResolution             	OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "resolution of the main channel which stream-type is the move-detection. "
    ::=  {  mdStreamInfoEntry  4  }
mdBitRate        		OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "bit rate of the main channel which stream-type is the move-detection."
    ::=  {  mdStreamInfoEntry  5  }
	-- alarmStreamInfoTable
		-- alarmStreamInfoTableEntry
			-- alarmChannelNo
			-- alarmCompression
			-- alarmFPS
			-- alarmResolution
alarmStreamInfoTable	 OBJECT-TYPE	
	SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF AlarmStreamInfoEntry 
	ACCESS           not-accessible
	STATUS           current
	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the main stream channel"
	::=  {  mainStreamInfo  3  }  
alarmStreamInfoEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
    	SYNTAX           AlarmStreamInfoEntry
    	ACCESS           not-accessible
    	STATUS           current
    	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the main stream channel list"
    	INDEX            {  alarmChannelNo  }
    	::=  {  alarmStreamInfoTable  1  }

AlarmStreamInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    	alarmChannelNo       			INTEGER,
		alarmCompression				DisplayString,
		alarmFPS						INTEGER,
		alarmResolution					DisplayString,
		alarmBitRate					INTEGER

alarmChannelNo             OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The number of main channel."
    ::=  {  alarmStreamInfoEntry  1  }
alarmCompression      OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "The compression mode of the main channel which stream-type is the alarm(e. g. 
	MPEG4 MPEG2 MPEG1 MJPG H.263 H.264 H.265)"
    ::=  {  alarmStreamInfoEntry  2  }
alarmFPS        		OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "FPS of the main channel which stream-type is the alarm."
    ::=  {  alarmStreamInfoEntry  3  }
alarmResolution             	OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "resolution of the main channel which stream-type is the alarm."
    ::=  {  alarmStreamInfoEntry  4  }

alarmBitRate        		OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "bit rate of the main channel which stream-type is the alarm."
    ::=  {  alarmStreamInfoEntry  5  }
-- extraStreamInfo
	-- extra1StreamInfoTable
		-- extra1ChannelNo
		-- extra1Compression
		-- extra1FPS
		-- extra1Resolution
	-- extra2StreamInfoTable
	-- extra3StreamInfoTable
extra1StreamInfoTable	 OBJECT-TYPE	
	SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF Extra1StreamInfoEntry 
	ACCESS           not-accessible
	STATUS           current
	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the extra stream channel"
	::=  {  extraStreamInfo  1  }  
extra1StreamInfoEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
    	SYNTAX           Extra1StreamInfoEntry
    	ACCESS           not-accessible
    	STATUS           current
    	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the main stream channel list"
    	INDEX            {  extra1ChannelNo  }
    	::=  {  extra1StreamInfoTable  1  }

Extra1StreamInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    	extra1ChannelNo       				INTEGER,			
		extra1Compression					DisplayString,
		extra1FPS							INTEGER,	
		extra1Resolution					DisplayString,
		extra1BitRate						INTEGER

extra1ChannelNo             OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "extra channel number"
    ::=  {  extra1StreamInfoEntry  1  }
extra1Compression             OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "compression mode of the extra channel which stream-type is the first-extra(e. g. 
	MPEG4 MPEG2 MPEG1 MJPG H.263 H.264 H.265)."
    ::=  {  extra1StreamInfoEntry  2  }				

extra1FPS             	OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "FPS of the extra channel which stream-type is the first-extra."
    ::=  {  extra1StreamInfoEntry  3  }

extra1Resolution       	OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "resolution of the extra channel which stream-type is the first-extra . "
    ::=  {  extra1StreamInfoEntry  4  }
extra1BitRate             	OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "bit rate of the extra channel which stream-type is the first-extra."
    ::=  {  extra1StreamInfoEntry  5  }
-- extra2StreamInfoTable
	-- extra2ChannelNo
	-- extra2Compression
	-- extra2FPS
	-- extra2Resolution
-- extra2StreamInfoTable	 OBJECT-TYPE	
--	SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF extra2StreamInfoEntry 
--	ACCESS           not-accessible
--	STATUS           current
--	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the extra stream channel"
--	::=  {  extraStreamInfo  2  }  
-- extra2StreamInfoEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
--    	SYNTAX           extra2StreamInfoEntry
--    	ACCESS           not-accessible
--    	STATUS           current
--    	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the main stream channel list"
--    	INDEX            {  extra2ChannelNo  }
--    	::=  {  extra2StreamInfoTable  1  }

-- extra2StreamInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
--    	extra2ChannelNo       				INTEGER,
--		extra2Compression					DisplayString,
--		extra2FPS							INTEGER,
--		extra2Resolution					DisplayString
--    	}	

-- extra2ChannelNo             OBJECT-TYPE
--    SYNTAX              INTEGER
--    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
--    STATUS              current
--    DESCRIPTION         "extra channel number"
--    ::=  {  extra2StreamInfoEntry  1  }
-- extra2Compression             OBJECT-TYPE
--    SYNTAX              DisplayString
--    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
--    STATUS              current
--    DESCRIPTION         "compression mode of the extra channel which stream-type is the first-extra"
--    ::=  {  extra2StreamInfoEntry  2  }				

-- extra2FPS             	OBJECT-TYPE
--    SYNTAX              INTEGER
--    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
--    STATUS              current
--    DESCRIPTION         "FPS of the extra channel which stream-type is the first-extra"
--    ::=  {  extra2StreamInfoEntry  3  }

-- extra2Resolution       	OBJECT-TYPE
--    SYNTAX              DisplayString
--    MAX-ACCESS          write-only
--    STATUS              current
--    DESCRIPTION         "resolution type of the extra channel which stream-type is the first-extra"
--    ::=  {  extra2StreamInfoEntry  4  }

-- extra3StreamInfoTable
	-- extra3ChannelNo
	-- extra3Compression
	-- extra3FPS
	-- extra3Resolution
-- extra3StreamInfoTable	 OBJECT-TYPE	
--	SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF extra3StreamInfoEntry 
--	ACCESS           not-accessible
--	STATUS           current
--	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the extra stream channel"
--	::=  {  extraStreamInfo  3  }  
-- extra3StreamInfoEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
--    	SYNTAX           extra3StreamInfoEntry
--    	ACCESS           not-accessible
--    	STATUS           current
--    	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the main stream channel list"
--    	INDEX            {  extra3ChannelNo  }
--    	::=  {  extra3StreamInfoTable  1  }

-- extra3StreamInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
--    	extra3ChannelNo       				INTEGER,			
--		extra3Compression					DisplayString,
--		extra3FPS							INTEGER,	
--		extra3Resolution					DisplayString
--   	}	

-- extra3ChannelNo             OBJECT-TYPE
--    SYNTAX              INTEGER
--    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
--    STATUS              current
--    DESCRIPTION         "extra channel number"
--    ::=  {  extra3StreamInfoEntry  1  }
-- extra3Compression             OBJECT-TYPE
--    SYNTAX              DisplayString
--    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
--    STATUS              current
--    DESCRIPTION         "compression mode of the extra channel which stream-type is the first-extra"
--    ::=  {  extra3StreamInfoEntry  2  }				

-- extra3FPS             	OBJECT-TYPE
--    SYNTAX              INTEGER
--    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
--    STATUS              current
--    DESCRIPTION         "FPS of the extra channel which stream-type is the first-extra"
--    ::=  {  extra3StreamInfoEntry  3  }

-- extra3Resolution       	OBJECT-TYPE
--    SYNTAX              DisplayString
--    MAX-ACCESS          write-only
--    STATUS              current
--    DESCRIPTION         "resolution type of the extra channel which stream-type is the first-extra"
--    ::=  {  extra3StreamInfoEntry  4  }


videoMotionInfoTable	 OBJECT-TYPE	
	SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF VideoMotionInfoEntry 
	ACCESS           not-accessible
	STATUS           current
	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the extra stream channel"
	::=  {  videoDetectConfig  1  }  
videoMotionInfoEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
    	SYNTAX           VideoMotionInfoEntry
    	ACCESS           not-accessible
    	STATUS           current
    	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the main stream channel list"
    	INDEX            {  videoMotionIndex  }
    	::=  {  videoMotionInfoTable  1  }

VideoMotionInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    	videoMotionIndex       				INTEGER		
videoMotionIndex        OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         ""
    ::=  {  videoMotionInfoEntry  1  }	
videoLossInfoTable	 OBJECT-TYPE	
	SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF VideoLossInfoEntry 
	ACCESS           not-accessible
	STATUS           current
	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the extra stream channel"
	::=  {  videoDetectConfig  2  }  
videoLossInfoEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
    	SYNTAX           VideoLossInfoEntry
    	ACCESS           not-accessible
    	STATUS           current
    	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the main stream channel list"
    	INDEX            {  videoLossIndex  }
    	::=  {  videoLossInfoTable  1  }

VideoLossInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    	videoLossIndex       				INTEGER			
videoLossIndex        OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         ""
    ::=  {  videoLossInfoEntry  1  }
videoBlindInfoTable	 OBJECT-TYPE	
	SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF VideoBlindInfoEntry 
	ACCESS           not-accessible
	STATUS           current
	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the extra stream channel"
	::=  {  videoDetectConfig  3  }  
videoBlindInfoEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
    	SYNTAX           VideoBlindInfoEntry
    	ACCESS           not-accessible
    	STATUS           current
    	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the main stream channel list"
    	INDEX            {  videoBlindIndex  }
    	::=  {  videoBlindInfoTable  1  }

VideoBlindInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    	videoBlindIndex       				INTEGER		
videoBlindIndex        OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         ""
    ::=  {  videoBlindInfoEntry  1  }

localAlarmInfoTable	 OBJECT-TYPE	
	SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF LocalAlarmInfoEntry 
	ACCESS           not-accessible
	STATUS           current
	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the extra stream channel"
	::=  {  alarmConfig  1  }  
localAlarmInfoEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
    	SYNTAX           LocalAlarmInfoEntry
    	ACCESS           not-accessible
    	STATUS           current
    	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the main stream channel list"
    	INDEX            {  localAlarmIndex  }
    	::=  {  localAlarmInfoTable  1  }

LocalAlarmInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    	localAlarmIndex       				INTEGER		
localAlarmIndex        OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         ""
    ::=  {  localAlarmInfoEntry  1  }

networkAlarmInfoTable	 OBJECT-TYPE	
	SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF NetworkAlarmInfoEntry 
	ACCESS           not-accessible
	STATUS           current
	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the extra stream channel"
	::=  {  alarmConfig  2  }  
networkAlarmInfoEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
    	SYNTAX           NetworkAlarmInfoEntry
    	ACCESS           not-accessible
    	STATUS           current
    	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the main stream channel list"
    	INDEX            {  networkAlarmIndex  }
    	::=  {  networkAlarmInfoTable  1  }

NetworkAlarmInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    	networkAlarmIndex       				INTEGER		
networkAlarmIndex        OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         ""
    ::=  {  networkAlarmInfoEntry  1  }	

recordMainStreamInfoTable	 OBJECT-TYPE	
	SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF RecordMainStreamInfoEntry 
	ACCESS           not-accessible
	STATUS           current
	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the extra stream channel"
	::=  {  recordPlanInfo  1  }  	
recordMainStreamInfoEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
    	SYNTAX           RecordMainStreamInfoEntry
    	ACCESS           not-accessible
    	STATUS           current
    	DESCRIPTION      "config infomation of the main stream record channel list"
    	INDEX            {  recordMainChannelIndex  }
    	::=  {  recordMainStreamInfoTable  1  }	
RecordMainStreamInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    	recordMainChannelIndex       			INTEGER
recordMainChannelIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         ""
    ::=  {  recordMainStreamInfoEntry  1  }

recordExtraStreamInfoTable	 OBJECT-TYPE	
	SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF RecordExtraStreamInfoEntry 
	ACCESS           not-accessible
	STATUS           current
	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the extra stream channel"
	::=  {  recordPlanInfo  2  }  	
recordExtraStreamInfoEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
    	SYNTAX           RecordExtraStreamInfoEntry
    	ACCESS           not-accessible
    	STATUS           current
    	DESCRIPTION      "config infomation of the main stream record channel list"
    	INDEX            {  recordExtraChannelIndex  }
    	::=  {  recordExtraStreamInfoTable  1  }	
 RecordExtraStreamInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    	recordExtraChannelIndex       			INTEGER
recordExtraChannelIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         ""
    ::=  {  recordExtraStreamInfoEntry  1  }

-- storageInfo

physicalVolumeInfoTable	 OBJECT-TYPE	
	SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF PhysicalVolumeInfoEntry 
	ACCESS           not-accessible
	STATUS           current
	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of physical volume."
	::=  {  storageInfo  1  }  
physicalVolumeNumber	OBJECT-TYPE	
	SYNTAX           INTEGER 
	ACCESS           read-only
	STATUS           current
	DESCRIPTION      "the number of physical volume."
	::=  {  storageInfo  2  } 

physicalVolumeDisAliveNumber	OBJECT-TYPE	
	SYNTAX           INTEGER 
	ACCESS           read-only
	STATUS           current
	DESCRIPTION      "the number of disAlive physical volume."
	::=  {  storageInfo  3  } 
physicalVolumeInfoEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
    	SYNTAX           PhysicalVolumeInfoEntry
    	ACCESS           not-accessible
    	STATUS           current
    	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the main stream channel list"
    	INDEX            {  physicNo  }
    	::=  {  physicalVolumeInfoTable  1  }

PhysicalVolumeInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
		physicNo								INTEGER,
		logicNo									INTEGER,
		physicalVolumeName						DisplayString,
		physicalVolumeStatus					DisplayString,
		physicalVolumeUsage						INTEGER,
		physicalVolumeTotal						INTEGER
physicNo        OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         ""
    ::=  {  physicalVolumeInfoEntry  2  }
logicNo        OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         ""
    ::=  {  physicalVolumeInfoEntry  3  }
physicalVolumeName        OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         ""
    ::=  {  physicalVolumeInfoEntry  4  }

physicalVolumeStatus        OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "the status (Error, Offline, Running, RaidSub) of physical volume."
    ::=  {  physicalVolumeInfoEntry  5  }

physicalVolumeUsage	OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER (0..100)
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "the usage of the physical volume."
    ::=  {  physicalVolumeInfoEntry  6  }
physicalVolumeTotal	OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "the total size (GB) of the physical volume."
    ::=  {  physicalVolumeInfoEntry  7  }
--physicalVolumeFree 		OBJECT-TYPE
--    SYNTAX              Counter64
--    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
--    STATUS              current
--    DESCRIPTION         ""
--    ::=  {  physicalVolumeInfoEntry  8  }
--raidVolumeInfoTable	 OBJECT-TYPE	
--	SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF raidVolumeInfoEntry 
--	ACCESS           not-accessible
--	STATUS           current
--	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the extra stream channel"
--	::=  {  storageInfo  2  }  
-- raidVolumeInfoEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
--    	SYNTAX           raidVolumeInfoEntry
--    	ACCESS           not-accessible
--    	STATUS           current
--    	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the main stream channel list"
--    	INDEX            {  raidVolumeIndex  }
--    	::=  {  raidVolumeInfoTable  1  }

-- raidVolumeInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
--    	raidVolumeIndex       				INTEGER			
--    	}	
-- raidVolumeIndex        OBJECT-TYPE
--    SYNTAX              INTEGER
--    MAX-ACCESS          read-write
--    STATUS              current
--    DESCRIPTION         ""
--    ::=  {  raidVolumeInfoEntry  1  }

-- videoChannelInfo
	-- videoChannelStatusTable
		-- videoChannelStatusEntry

videoChannelStatusTable	 OBJECT-TYPE	
	SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF VideoChannelStatusEntry 
	ACCESS           not-accessible
	STATUS           current
	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the video channel status."
	::=  {  videoChannelInfo  1  }  
videoChannelStatusEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
    	SYNTAX           VideoChannelStatusEntry
    	ACCESS           not-accessible
    	STATUS           current
    	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the video channel status."
    	INDEX            {  videoChannelIndex  }
    	::=  {  videoChannelStatusTable  1  }

VideoChannelStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    	videoChannelIndex       				INTEGER,			
		videoChannelStatus						INTEGER,
		videoChannelName						DisplayString
videoChannelIndex             OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "the video channel number."
    ::=  {  videoChannelStatusEntry  1  }
videoChannelStatus             OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER{online(1),offline(0)}
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "the video channel number."
    ::=  {  videoChannelStatusEntry  2  }

videoChannelName             OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "the video channel name."
    ::=  {  videoChannelStatusEntry  3  }		
-- remoteDeviceInfo
--	remoteDeviceNumber
--  remoteDeviceInfoTable
--		remoteDeviceInfoEntry

remoteDeviceNumber       	OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "the number of remote device."
    ::=  {  remoteDeviceInfo  1  }

remoteDeviceInfoTable	 OBJECT-TYPE	
	SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF RemoteDeviceInfoEntry 
	ACCESS           not-accessible
	STATUS           current
	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the remote device."
	::=  {  remoteDeviceInfo  2  }  
remoteDeviceInfoEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
    	SYNTAX           RemoteDeviceInfoEntry
    	ACCESS           not-accessible
    	STATUS           current
    	DESCRIPTION      "infomation of the remote device."
    	INDEX            {  remoteDeviceIndex  }
    	::=  {  remoteDeviceInfoTable  1  }

RemoteDeviceInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    	remoteDeviceIndex       				INTEGER,			
		remoteDeviceIpAddr						DisplayString,
		remoteDeviceStatus						DisplayString,
		remoteDeviceName						DisplayString

remoteDeviceIndex             OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "the remote device channel number."
    ::=  {  remoteDeviceInfoEntry  1  }
remoteDeviceIpAddr             OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "the ipAddr of  remote device."
    ::=  {  remoteDeviceInfoEntry  2  }
remoteDeviceStatus             OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "the status ( Connecting, Conneted, Unconnect, Empty, Disable) of  remote device."
    ::=  {  remoteDeviceInfoEntry  3  }	

remoteDeviceName             OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          read-only
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "the name of  remote device channel."
    ::=  {  remoteDeviceInfoEntry  4  }
-- nvd
	-- decodeFormat
	-- decodeCap
	-- powerVol
decodeFormat		    	OBJECT-TYPE
  SYNTAX              	DisplayString
  MAX-ACCESS          	read-only
  STATUS              	current
  DESCRIPTION         "decodeFormat of nvd device."   
  	::=  {  nvd  1  } 
decodeCap		    		OBJECT-TYPE
  SYNTAX              	INTEGER
  MAX-ACCESS          	read-only
  STATUS              	current
  DESCRIPTION         "decodeCap of nvd device."   
  	::=  {  nvd  2  }

powerVol		    		OBJECT-TYPE
  SYNTAX              	DisplayString
  MAX-ACCESS          	read-only
  STATUS              	current
  DESCRIPTION         "power volum of nvd device."   
  	::=  {  nvd  3  }

	OBJECTS { snmpStatus }
	STATUS  current
		"A snmp work status Event."
	::= { notification 2 } 	

	OBJECTS {action, currentTime, videoMotionIndex}
	STATUS  current
		"video motion Event."
	::= { multiMediaEvent 1 } 	
	OBJECTS {action, currentTime, videoBlindIndex}
	STATUS  current
		"video blind Event."
	::= { multiMediaEvent 2 } 		
	OBJECTS {action, currentTime, videoLossIndex}
	STATUS  current
		"video loss Event."
	::= { multiMediaEvent 3 } 

	OBJECTS {action, currentTime, localAlarmIndex}
	STATUS  current
		"local alarm Event."
	::= { alarmEvent 1 }
netMonitorAbortEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE
	OBJECTS {action, currentTime, remoteDeviceIndex, remoteDeviceIpAddr}
	STATUS current
		"network monitor abort event."
	::= { alarmEvent 2 }
storageFailureEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE
	OBJECTS {action, currentTime, physicNo}
	STATUS  current
		"storage failure Event."
	::= { storageEvent 1 }
storageLowSpaceEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE
	OBJECTS {action, currentTime, physicNo}
	STATUS  current
		"storage full Event. if all storages are full, physicNo= 0 ."
	::= { storageEvent 2 }

	OBJECTS {action, currentTime, physicNo}
	STATUS  current
		"storage in-out Event."
	::= { storageEvent 3 }
	OBJECTS {action, currentTime, physicNo}
	STATUS  current
		"storage SMART abnormity Event."
	::= { storageEvent 4 }
volumeGroupFaultEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE
	OBJECTS {action, currentTime}
	STATUS current
		"volume group fault event."
	::= { storageEvent 5 }
recordMainStreamEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE
	OBJECTS {action, currentTime, recordMainChannelIndex}
	STATUS  current
		"record MainStream Event."
	::= { recordEvent 1 }
recordExtraStreamEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE
	OBJECTS {action, currentTime, recordExtraChannelIndex}
	STATUS  current
		"record ExtraStream Event."
	::= { recordEvent 2 }

nasServerStatusEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE
	OBJECTS {action, currentTime, serverName}
	STATUS current
		"NAS server status event."
	::= { evsEvent 1}
	OBJECTS {action, currentTime, powertype, powerfault}
	STATUS current
		"power status event."
	::= { powerEvent 1}

	OBJECTS {action, currentTime}
	STATUS current
		"keep alive event."
	::= { keepAliveEvent 1}

action					OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          accessible-for-notify
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "trap info "
    ::=  {  intelSnmpTrap  1  }
currentTime				OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          accessible-for-notify
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "currentTime format: YYYY/MM/DD week HOUR:MIN:SEC. eg: 2014/10/13 Mon 10:32:31
		note:week value may be Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat"
    ::=  {  intelSnmpTrap  2  }
snmpStatus  			OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER{start(0), stop(1)}
    MAX-ACCESS          accessible-for-notify
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "Status of snmp is start(0) or stop(1)."
    ::=  {  intelSnmpTrap  3  }
physicalVolumeThreshold  			OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              INTEGER
    MAX-ACCESS          accessible-for-notify
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         ""
    ::=  {  intelSnmpTrap  4  }	
serverName 					OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          accessible-for-notify
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "server name. eg: NFS;FTP;SAMBA;ISCSI; ."
    ::=  {  intelSnmpTrap  5  }	  
powertype 					OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          accessible-for-notify
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "power type"
    ::=  {  intelSnmpTrap  6  }
powerfault 					OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX              DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS          accessible-for-notify
    STATUS              current
    DESCRIPTION         "power fault"
    ::=  {  intelSnmpTrap  7  }