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CSCwi58734 - Syntax Issues in

blk878s opened this issue · comments

LINE: Description of error ------Possible Fix

1975: type of cLApFloorLabel in sequence and object type definition do not match ------ Unsure of the fix for this
5440: illegal keyword FALSE ---- 'FALSE' should be lowercase
10410: syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting UPPERCASE_IDENTIFIER or LOWERCASE_IDENTIFIER or NUMBER -----There is an unneeded comma (',') at the end of line 10409
10534: default value syntax does not match object syntax ---- Removing the default value seemed to fix this but I am not sure if that is correct
4271: unknown object identifier label `cLApSlotWlanStatsTable' ---- The object on line 4247 has the wrong name: it has cLApWlanSlotStatsTable and should be cLApSlotWlanStatsTable

These last few errors have unknown object ids

9937: type CLDot11Band of node cLApRogueDot11RadioBand does not resolve to a known base type
10410: unknown object identifier label `bsnStationAPIfSlotId' 10463: type CLApNtpStatus of node cLApNtpInfoStatus does not resolve to a known base type
9939: unknown type CLDot11Band
10444: unknown type CLApNtpStatus

I let @vijaygu2 know to take a look since he published #12

CSCwi58734 - Syntax Issues in
Edit, and CSCwi92870 - Unknown Object IDs in