cisco-system-traffic-generator / trex-stateless-gui

TRex stateless GUI

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Streams are created with same stream ID 0.

MohanrajBabu opened this issue · comments


1.I have created a profile with 3 streams in GUI,


  1. Then exported the profile as yaml file for run it in the trex-console.
    When running the profile in console using the below command
    trex>start -f /test-profile-new.yaml -p 0

it throws errors Port 0 : *** stream 0 already exists
stream 0 already exists error.

Error thrown in console:
Removing all streams from port(s) [0]: [SUCCESS]
Attaching 3 streams to port(s) [0]: [FAILED]
Error loading profile 'test-profile-new.yaml'
Port 0 : *** stream 0 already exists
stream 0 already exists

In GUI every stream has created with same same stream id - stream_id: 0 . which causes the problems when running the profile in console.

The issue also same when tried to create streams through duplication.
please fix it.

Thanks and Regards,

Hello, Mohan.

Yaroslav contacted to me, and I have already fixed this issue, I will inform you when new release will be available.

Thanks and regards,

Hello Egor,

Thanks for the update.


Mohan, check out our latest release here v4.4. We've fixed this issue.

Let me know if it worked for you.

Hi Egor,

Thanks for the update, issue has fixed.

Thanks and Regards,