cisco-system-traffic-generator / trex-stateless-gui

TRex stateless GUI

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

UDP packets are formed incorrectly when source/destination port randomization is used

opened this issue · comments

When i try to randomize a source/destination port for UDP packets with Field Engine, these ports are always set to 0. If i try to randomize only the source port, then the destination port changes instead (source port never changes). It's kinda of bug or am i doing something wrong?
Attached an example profile and pcap.


Seems that flow variable size is set invalid, you can UDP source port and destination ports are 2 bytes width, so I've edited it at Field Engine tab.
Also I'd recommend you to add Fix Checksum HW with L4_UDP_TYPE to fix packet's checksums.

Let's keep this ticket here to track progress on that issue, need to fix at Scapy Server level