cis-ash / TEXTREME

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Solution for gray screen when entering exclamation points ! or question marks ?

rjames0820 opened this issue · comments

im not sure if this is the right place to post this, but for anyone who sees this and if the creator of this program will still update this in the near future, i went around messing with the godot project and have found a very simple solution that will fix the gray screen that appears when you press the exclamation point or question mark, here's a step by step on how to fix it

  1. download the code/zip and unzip it somewhere
  2. download the godot engine stable v3 release, they recently updated it to v4 and that'll break a lot of code if you import it to the new version
  3. import the project.godot file of textreme into the godot engine
  4. on the top left, go to project > export
  5. on presets, click on "add..." and select windows desktop
  6. before that though there might be an error saying that export presets are not present, just let it download it first
  7. now just export project into the TEXTREME folder in TEXTREME-master folder
  8. run it and youre done! you can now see the exclamation point and question mark effect without the screen going gray

while testing it i noticed how when you test run it in the godot engine project, it works as it should be, but exporting it using the win32 setting makes that happen, if i have to guess and i literally have no experience with godot, is just the fact that it was still set to 32 bit settings, despite a majority of windows users is using the 64 bit systems, i hope this helps for anyone who has stumbled upon this quirky program and checked this github

whoops, one more thing before you export it, make sure to disabled debug mode while exporting, should be at the bottom when you are finding the folder location of where you want to export, this will allow the syntax to work as intended