cis-ash / TEXTREME

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

file to open as cli argument

Huholoman opened this issue · comments

Hello, I would like to use TEXTREME as my default git text editor, but that needs TEXTREME to accept file as a argument when running TEXTREME in terminal.


... And blocking mode would also go nicely with that. It can be hacked-around by wrapping it with user input, but than you'd have to press enter in CLI after closing and saving.

@kubijo what do you mean by blocking mode?

When you open the editor from command line, it won't "release" stdin until you close it.

If the program execution jumps to a different process and closes the original "open" routine, git reads the tmp file that it sent to your program, sees no content (or just unchanged one in case of merge/rebase) and aborts the commit (or continues without your changes respectively)

Edit: this is a description of what I mean by "blocking"