cirquit / trdrop

trdrop - a raw video analysis program

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

120 FPS lossless recording stuck at 66 FPS in Export

mrmacright opened this issue · comments

Screenshot 2021-09-10 114101

Hello. I am trying to capture 120 FPS gameplay on my M1 13" MacBook Pro. However, when I Export the video from trdrop it sticks to 66 FPS, while the SteamFPS counter in Dying Light shows over 110 FPS. Here is the clip

Do I need to change something in the Options menu? Or does the program not support 120 FPS yet?

Screenshot 2021-09-10 113616

My setup:

Screen Shot 2021-09-10 at 11 46 38 am 2

Trdrop does support arbitrary framerates, double check your recording setup.

Yep. I tried recording from a PS5 and it worked great. So it looks like my USB-C to HDMI cable only output 60HZ. I need to find one that supports 120HZ, but I don't think that is a thing yet :(