ciaua / clip2frame

Codes for "Event localization in music auto-tagging"

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Make features and annotations into experiment data

jixu7952 opened this issue · comments

missing script?

The features of all 6 scales from MagnaTagATune will take quite a lot of spaces. I will see what I can do.

a few sample lines of data to show the npy file format would be desirable, and the python file for making experiment data is missing

Yes, I am confused about how to retrieve tags backward from outcomes of the model.

Thank you both for your comments. I think I will take this chance to overhaul the whole package, including updating the codes, uploading the experiment data.

I will also make the feature standardization process independent of the scikit-learn package by including the standardization directly into the model. The standardizer module in scikit-learn has been changing several times recently, so doing so will make the maintenance easier in case it changes again.

thanks for update, Ciaua. Could you please kindly share the script to prepare the experiment data?

I have added and
You still have to download the MagnaTagATune files from their website though.