chvanikoff / docker-phoenix

Base container for Phoenix apps

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Docker-Phoenix image


The image should be used as a base one for building your Phoenix app's image/container

What's inside

App Version
Elixir 1.4.2
Erlang 19.3 erts-8.3.1
Hex 0.16.0
Rebar 2.6.4
Nodejs 7.9.0
NPM 4.5.0

Example usage

FROM chvanikoff/phoenix
# Copy our project files to the image
COPY . /var/app/myapp
WORKDIR /var/app/myapp
# Set appropriate MIX_ENV
# Install node dependencies and compile assets
RUN cd assets \
  && npm install \
  && node_modules/.bin/webpack --progress --colors
# Setup database, compile app and generate digest
RUN mix do ecto.setup, compile, phx.digest
# Run the app with iex shell open
CMD ["iex", "-S", "mix", "phx.server"]


Base container for Phoenix apps