chunyang-zhang / MOT_Thesis_1551025_1551034

Moving Object Tracking

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Object Tracking on a Moving Platform


OpenCV 4.1

Download OpenCV 4.0

  • Install OpenCV 4.0 From

  • Include OpenCV to system path
    Go to Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables >System Variables > Path.
    Choose Edit, click 'New' to add environment variable.
    Copy Paste the path of bin folder. The path: C:\opencv\build\x64\vc14\bin.

Inside Properties of the project,

  • Inside C/C++ > General
    Copy the path to include the folder of OpenCV, inside Additional Include Directories: C:\opencv\build\include
  • Inside Linker>General
    Copy the path to include the folder containing lib folder inside Additional Include Directories: C:\opencv\build\x64\vc14\lib
  • Input
    Edit Input> Additional Dependencies and paste the .lib file' name eg. opencv_world410d.lib

OpenCV 4.1 Contrib

  • Download OpenCV Contrib
  • Build OpenCV Contrib
    cd <opencv_build_directory>
    cmake -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=C:/opencv_contrib-4.1.0/modules C:/opencv/sources  -G
  • Open OpenCV Solution inside Opencv/build/ to build project
    Build ALL_BUILD
    Build INSTALL
  • Add environment variable for OpenCV_Contrib
    Python3.7_d.lib linked error.
    Install Python 3.7 x64 version with debug mode.
    Choose Building platform correctly => Debug x64 in OpenCV\sources\modules\python\python3, edit CMakeLists.txt:

Inside Properties of the project in Visual Studio

  • Inside C/C++ > General
    Copy the path to include the folder of OpenCV, inside Additional Include Directories: C:\opencv\build\install\include
  • Inside linker>General
    Copy the path to include the folder containing lib folder inside Additional Include Directories: C:\opencv\build\install\x64\vc16\lib
  • Input
    Edit Input > Additional Dependencies and paste the .lib file' name eg. In this project we use:

Boost Library

  • Download:
  • Project properties -> C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories add boost library root: C:\Program Files (x86)\Boost_1_70
  • Project properties -> Linker -> General -> Additional Libraries Directories:
    Path of Boost library: C:\Program Files (x86)\Boost_1_70

OpenCV includes eigen error:

  • Put <Eigen/Dense> before #include <opencv2/core/eigen.hpp>

Eigen library

  • C++ template library for linear algebra (high level)
  • Download:
  • Project properties -> C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories add Eigen library root: C:\Program Files (x86)\Eigen
  • For example:
    #include <Eigen/Dense>
    #include <eigen/src/lu/InverseImpl.h>
    #include <Eigen/Eigenvalues>


  • Two Folder contains images from 2 camera
  • TimeStamps: time of image captured from each camera
  • GPS pose (roll, pitch, yaw )
  • all_IMU: the time using IMU sensors + values (30)
  • Output: Position

OpenCV Window and Window conflict

YOLO Object Detection

Download model


Moving Object Tracking


Language:C++ 77.0%Language:Python 22.8%Language:C 0.2%