chudnyi / Scalpel

Strips all testing code from an assembly

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Test Remover addin for Fody


Strips all testing code from an assembly

Introduction to Fody

The nuget package NuGet Status

PM> Install-Package Scalpel.Fody

What it actually does.

When the compilation constant Scalpel is detected. (Requires Fody version 1.11.5 or higher)


  • Removes all types ending in Tests.
  • Removes all types ending in Mock.
  • Removes all types marked with Scalpel.RemoveAttribute.
  • Removes all references as defined in <Scalpel RemoveReferences='XXX'/> see below.


  • Removes all types marked with any Nunit attribute.
  • Remove the NUnit reference.


  • Removes all types containing an XUNit attribute.
  • Removes the Xunit reference.


  • Removes all types containing a field from Machine.Specifications or Machine.Specifications.Clr4
  • Removes the Machine.Specifications.Clr4 and Machine.Specifications references.
  • Removes all types that implement ISupplementSpecificationResults, IAssemblyContext or ICleanupAfterEveryContextInAssembly.


  • Removes the refernece to RhinoMocks.


  • Removes the refernece to NSubstitute.


  • Removes the refernece to FakeItEasy.


  • Removes the refernece to Moq.

But WHY?

When coding any tests then these tests should be a first class citizen to the functionality you are creating. As such it makes sense for them to be co-located with the code being tested. Unfortunately due to the nature of .net this is very difficult to achieve. The reason is that if you place tests next to the code being tested you and up having those tests include in your deployable assembly. You also have the problem of your assembly referencing unit test helper libraries like NUnit and Moq.

So Scalpel helps you work around the above problem by striping tests and references from your assembly. It also has the added side effect of allowing you to test internal types without needing to use the InternalsVisibleToAttribute.

But how do I test my deployable artefacts

One problem with this approach is testing your deployable artefacts if the tests are removed from them.

This is a legitimate problem. The recommended approached it to create another build configuration call Deployable. It can have all the same settings as your Release configuration with the addition of the Scalpel compilation constant. This way tests can run from your Release configuration and you can deploy from your Deployable configuration.

Configuration Options

All configuration options are access by modifying the Scalpel node in FodyWeavers.xml


A list of assembly names to removed at compile time.

Do not include .exe or .dll in the names.

Can take two forms.

As an element with items delimited by a newline.


Or as a attribute with items delimited by a pipe |.

<Scalpel RemoveReferences='Foo|Bar'/>


Exacto Knife from The Noun Project


Strips all testing code from an assembly

License:MIT License


Language:C# 88.8%Language:PostScript 11.2%