chronoxor / CppLogging

Ultra fast and low latency C++ Logging library with flexible configuration and high throughput in multithreaded environment

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CMake Error: Error: generator : Visual Studio 16 2019

wangqingjia1999 opened this issue · comments

Sorry to bother you. I came across the following issue. I'm a newbie in C++ and CMake, please forgive me if I did something wrong to build this brilliant project. Thanks in advance :-)


  1. Window 10 x64-bit
  2. Visual Studio Enterprise 2019

Issue Description

First, I run gil update, the following logs are copied from my terminal. It looks fine.

C:\repos\CppLogging>gil update
Working path: C:\repos\CppLogging
Discover git links: C:\repos\CppLogging\.gitlinks
Discover git links: C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\CppBenchmark\.gitlinks
Discover git links: C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\CppCommon\.gitlinks
Create git link: C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\Catch2 -> C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\CppBenchmark\modules\Catch2
Create git link: C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\cpp-optparse -> C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\CppBenchmark\modules\cpp-optparse
Create git link: C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\zlib -> C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\CppBenchmark\modules\zlib
Create git link: C:\repos\CppLogging\build -> C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\CppBenchmark\build
Create git link: C:\repos\CppLogging\cmake -> C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\CppBenchmark\cmake
Create git link: C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\Catch2 -> C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\CppCommon\modules\Catch2
Create git link: C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\CppBenchmark -> C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\CppCommon\modules\CppBenchmark
Create git link: C:\repos\CppLogging\build -> C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\CppCommon\build
Create git link: C:\repos\CppLogging\cmake -> C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\CppCommon\cmake
Create git link: C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\Catch2 -> C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\CppBenchmark\modules\Catch2
Create git link: C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\cpp-optparse -> C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\CppBenchmark\modules\cpp-optparse
Create git link: C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\zlib -> C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\CppBenchmark\modules\zlib
Create git link: C:\repos\CppLogging\build -> C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\CppBenchmark\build
Create git link: C:\repos\CppLogging\cmake -> C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\CppBenchmark\cmake
Create git link: C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\Catch2 -> C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\CppCommon\modules\Catch2
Create git link: C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\CppBenchmark -> C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\CppCommon\modules\CppBenchmark
Create git link: C:\repos\CppLogging\build -> C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\CppCommon\build
Create git link: C:\repos\CppLogging\cmake -> C:\repos\CppLogging\modules\CppCommon\cmake

However, here comes the problem:

CMake Error: Error: generator : Visual Studio 16 2019
Does not match the generator used previously: MinGW Makefiles
Either remove the CMakeCache.txt file and CMakeFiles directory or choose a different binary directory.

Also, I have noticed that the Error List of Visual Studio has the following error:

1> [CMake] CMake Error at cmake/SetPlatformFeatures.cmake:29 (string):
1> [CMake]   string sub-command REGEX, mode REPLACE needs at least 6 arguments total to
1> [CMake]   command.
1> [CMake] Call Stack (most recent call first):
1> [CMake]   CMakeLists.txt:26 (include)
1> [CMake] -- The System identification is Windows-10.0.19041 Windows 10.0.19041 Platform/Windows

Some Tries

I did some simple tries but the issue remains the same, like:

  1. delete the Cmake cache and rebuild it;
  2. try both 32-bit and 64-bit mode;

If you change your generator (MinGW->Visual Studio) you have to remove ./temp directory

CMake Error: Error: generator : Visual Studio 16 2019
Does not match the generator used previously: MinGW Makefiles

Thanks for your sincere help! I should have read the error message carefully. 😄