chrj / smtpd

Go SMTP server library

Repository from Github https://github.comchrj/smtpdRepository from Github https://github.comchrj/smtpd

MIME Header Breaks

samrocks1011 opened this issue · comments

Any way to support Mime Multipart header

@Supme I have used the above library to Print the MIME and send mail but at the end some characters are missing and give Missing Boundary Error.


The beginning of the content should start "--"+boundary
The end of the content should end "--"+boundary+"--"

@Supme I am using postfix content_filter to pass the mail to smtpd.go library. After Parsing the data and applying the policy I use SendMail function to send the mail to the recipient. When sending using sendMail ( Converting String to bytes), the data is sent with missing boundary or just skip the HTML part before the missing boundary.
I have not modified any core library of the code so i do not know want is causing this issue.

@Supme The issue is resolved. I looped the mail twice in the Send trigger, due to which the function AddReceivedLine was called twice. AddReceivedLine function is used to add "Received: from" in the header. After I rectify the issue and now the mail is going perfectly after the policy is applied.