christopherthielen / typedoc-plugin-external-module-name

Specify the Typedoc Module of a file using @module annotation

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Description of module won't display

Xkonti opened this issue · comments


When there is one module containing at least 2 files and one of those files contains a function, the module's description won't show up in the module's docs.


Lets say we have three files:


export function pickRandom<T>(collection: T[]): T | undefined { ... }
function doTimes<T>(times: number, action: (index: number) => T): T[] { ... }


export class SubscribersSet<T> implements Iterable<T> { ... }


export async function delay(ms: number): Promise<void> { ... }

When problem happens

When I'll add the collections-helpers.ts to the module with any other file, the module description won't show up.

A module containing:

  • collections-helpers.ts - will display the description
  • subscribers-set.ts - will display the description
  • time-helpers.ts - will display the description
  • collections-helpers.ts and subscribers-set.ts - WON'T display the description
  • collections-helpers.ts and time-helpers.ts - WON'T display the description
  • subscribers-set.ts and time-helpers.ts - WON'T display the description

I have other module that doesn't have this functions only file problem and then the module description is displayed just fine.



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