christoomey / vim-tmux-runner

Vim and tmux, sittin' in a tree...

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`VtrOpenRunner` doesn't work on `tmux@3.4`

sarumont opened this issue · comments

When I attempt to execute VtrOpenRunner, it no longer opens a pane. When I attempt to execute VtrSendCommandToRunner after VtrOpenRunner:

VTR: Runner pane setting (1) is invalid. Please reattach or run VtrUnsetRunnerPane.

The only way I can get VTR working is to manually open a pane and use VtrAttachToPane.

Any insights here or additional debugging necessary? I can reproduce this with an empty tmux config (haven't stripped my nvim config down, but I don't change any VTR settings in that).

Hmm, this does seem to be broken. Thanks for reporting! I imagine I missed this as my personal workflow is more explicit these days (I always run some variation of VtrAttachToPane) so I've not bumped into it.

I'll try to take a look soon, but honestly not sure when this broke or what's going on. Would welcome any help, but otherwise I'll certainly update this issue when I get a chance to dig in further.

Digging a little more, it could have presented with an upgrade from tmux 3.3a -> 3.4. The CHANGELOG is fairly significant here. :)

I'll try to get 3.3a installed on my machine again to confirm this theory...

OK, that didn't take as much effort as I thought it would. It is definitely caused by the upgrade to 3.4 -- everything works fine on 3.3a. I can use the older tmux for now. Let me know if you need any further help - I'm hoping something obvious to you pops out of that CHANGELOG :)

@sarumont , @christoomey

Changing the -p option to -l option worked for me. I am running tmux 3.4.

 let cmd = join(["split-window -p", s:vtr_percentage, "-".s:vtr_orientation])
 let cmd = join(["split-window -l", s:vtr_percentage, "-".s:vtr_orientation])

I added a pull request. My change work as expected with Vim and NeoVim.

And for anyone who ends up here looking to downgrade from 3.4 to 3.3a

brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies tmux
# Download formula just before the changes for 3.4
curl -o tmux.rb
brew install tmux.rb

And for anyone who ends up here looking to downgrade from 3.4 to 3.3a

brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies tmux
# Download formula just before the changes for 3.4
curl -o tmux.rb
brew install tmux.rb

Hi @jayroh,

I noticed that your gist link is returning a 404 error. Could you please provide a new link?

Thank you!