christian-marie / git-vogue

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Checks get sad in repos which have packages in subdirs

thsutton opened this issue · comments contains two packages, each in a subdirectory. I generally make a sandbox at the top level and "cabal sandbox add-source *".

This seems to make the checks sad:

  • git-vogue-cabal can't find the cabal files.
  • git-vogue-ghc-mod reports "Could not find module" when cabal repl can do it perfectly fine.

The first is definitely due to the subdirs thing; maybe the ghc-mod thing is too?

Not sure how to fix this.

Maybe search for *.cabal files and run cabal check in the appropriate directory? Unless anyone has changed it since I created it git-vogue-cabal just executes cabal check in the git repo root.

Fixed in master.