christhetree / jtfst_implementation

Differentiable, GPU-accelerated implementation of the Joint Time-Frequency Scattering Transform.

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  1. Download & extract the Chinese Bamboo Flute dataset

    ssh scripts/
  2. Filter the dataset to remove non pitch evolution-based playing techniques. We are only looking at acciacatura, glissando, and portamento. In order to run on consumer compute we also segment all audio files and annotations to less thatn 60s.

    python python/

    Saves filtered and segmented dataset to CBFdataset_PETS. Additionally, a text file called file_names.txt will be saved and used in subsequent steps to keep track of the order that audio files are processed.

  3. Compute the joint time-frequency scattering transform on all audio files in the dataset.

    a) Matlab -- the original paper uses ScatNet and Matlab. The matlab executable can be called from the command line (requires an active matlab installation and the full path of the executable to be aliases to 'matlab'):

    cd matlab
    matlab -r dJTFS_acciacatura --nodisplay --nodesktop
    matlab -r dJTFS_portamento --nodisplay --nodesktop
    matlab -r dJTFS_glissando --nodisplay --nodesktop
    cd ..

    This will output .mat files for each technique. Defaults to outputting in the matlab directory with output like: dJTFS_<technique>.mat

  4. Preprocess the extracted features prior to classification.

    python python/ matlab/dJTFS_acciacatura.mat file_names.txt acciacatura
    python python/ matlab/dJTFS_portamento.mat file_names.txt portamento
    python python/ matlab/dJTFS_glissando.mat file_names.txt glissando

    All processed features will be saved in .npz files in a directory called features.

  5. Run binary classification

    python python/ features/acciacatura.npz
    python python/ features/portamento.npz
    python python/ features/glissando.npz

    Optionally run using a GPU by adding the flag: --gpu 0 where 0 should be replaced with the desired gpu id.

    All results are stored in .npz files in a directory called results.


Differentiable, GPU-accelerated implementation of the Joint Time-Frequency Scattering Transform.


Language:MATLAB 77.1%Language:Python 22.8%Language:Shell 0.0%Language:M 0.0%