chrismattmann / tika-python

Tika-Python is a Python binding to the Apache Tika™ REST services allowing Tika to be called natively in the Python community.

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A break statement is missed

seanzian2093 opened this issue · comments


In, line 685-696, after server is started and is_started is set to True, the while loop should stop; otherwise should log a warning, sleep and increase the try_count?

Check logs and retry as configured

try_count = 0
is_started = False
while try_count < TikaStartupMaxRetry:
    with open(tika_log_file_path, "r") as tika_log_file_tmp:
        # check for INFO string to confirm listening endpoint
        if "Started Apache Tika server at" in
            is_started = True
            # need a break here
            # break
            log.warning("Failed to see startup log message; retrying...")
    # time.sleep and try_cound += should be within the else block
            # time.sleep(TikaStartupSleep)
            # try_count +=1
    try_count += 1

Fixed in #366 thanks @seanzian2093