chrismagnacca / lunch-o-meter

A MeteorJS application to vote on lunch choices.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Built With & On

Meteor Packages

Project Structure

├── client             # <- client specific libraries
│   ├── config         # <- client specific configuration (Router.configure({...}), etc)
│   ├── lib            # <- client specific libraries & methods
│   ├── routes         # <- controller/route definitions & mappings
│   ├── startup        # <- client startup setup (Meteor.isClient is assumed by convention)
│   ├── stylesheets    # <- css files for the handlebars views
│   ├── subscriptions  # <- client subscriptions to meteor publications
│   └── views          # <- templates & javascript for a single page
├── collections        # <- defintions of collections and methods on them
├── packages           # <- meteor packages used for the project
├── public             # <- public assets & images
│   ├── fonts          # <- font glyphicons
│   ├── javascripts    # <- external libraries (jQuery, Bootstrap, Highcharts, etc)
│   └── stylesheets    # <- external stylesheets (Bootstrap, etc)
├── server             # <- server specific libraries
│   ├── publications   # <- meteor publish defintions
│   └── startup        # <- server startup setup (Meteor.isServer is assumed by convention)


Install Meteor if it is not already been installed.

$ curl | /bin/sh

Run the project using Meteor, port 3000 will be the default port unless otherwise specified by the -p flag.

$ meteor
Stand back while Meteor does its thing

Done installing smart packages

Ok, everything's ready. Here comes Meteor!

[[[[[ ~/Projects/JavaScript/lunch-o-meter ]]]]]

=> Started proxy.
=> Started MongoDB.
=> Started your app


First, you will need to add some ideas!

No Options Provided!

Type in a new option, hit Enter, and voilà.

Single Option Added

Add as many options as you would like and upvote/downvote!

2 Options & Votes


Q: What problem does this really solve?
A: Have you ever tried figuring out where to go for lunch with a large group of people?

Upcomming Additions

In no particular order:

  1. Limit Votes per User


To contribute,

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


A MeteorJS application to vote on lunch choices.


Language:JavaScript 52.3%Language:HTML 41.8%Language:CSS 5.9%