chrisdchristo / capsule-maven-plugin

Capsule Maven Plugin

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Include plugin dependencies when building capsule

draenor opened this issue · comments

Type: Feature request


Add an option to include dependencies declared to the capsule plugin into the built capsule.


By including declared plugin dependencies, here jetty-runner. There could optionally be a configuration switch to toggle this behavour includePluginDependencies.



The use case it to build a regular war artifact and use capsule to separately build a runnable jar project. This can be achieved quite easily by introducing e.g., a jetty dependency and let the Main class bootstrap it.

Simply marking the jetty depdency as <scope>provided</scope> and set <includeProvidedDep>true</includeProvidedDep> is a poor solution since there may be other provided dependencies.


Another approach is to permit downloading dependencies using the dependencySets as such:


Done in 1.5.0. Please see readme for more info.