chrisdchristo / capsule-maven-plugin

Capsule Maven Plugin

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Multiple exclusions in dependency causes error

chrisdchristo opened this issue · comments

The code to generate the Dependencies string has a minor bug and produces incorrect format when multiple exclusions are found for a dependency.

Fixed with latest commit for the current 0.8.0-SNAPSHOT.

@rutchkiwi I would suggest you clone out the latest version of the plugin and run a mvn clean install then set version of the plugin in your project to <capsule.maven.plugin.version>0.8.0-SNAPSHOT</capsule.maven.plugin.version>. At least in the meantime until 0.8.0 is released into central.

Essentially version 0.7.1 of the plugin is broken for dependencies that have more than one exclusion.