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Correctness in Ref/Alt when converting to VCF

weichisyu opened this issue · comments



I tried to use plink2 to convert SNP array data to vcf.
The correctness of the Ref/Alt allele is important for me due to the later database annotation.
I used the --ref-from-fa and --fa arguments to help the Ref/Alt allele correction. And I found that when the variants only have one allele in SNP array data, even if it's an Alt allele plink2 would not switch it to the Ref allele.

rs187071114 (G>A,C,T)
SNP Array data: all samples are A/A
VCF(convert from plink2) : Ref/Alt = A/. ; GT=0/0

Following the previous example. Is it possible for plink2 to convert this variant into G/A, 1/1?

This is my command:

plink2 --tfam data.tfam --tped data.tped --ref-from-fa --fa /resource/gatk_bundle_ref/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta --recode vcf-iid bgz --out array2vcf

The version of plink2
PLINK v2.00a4LM AVX2 Intel (26 Apr 2023)


This cannot be done safely if there are any indels in your dataset.

I will look into adding an option that handles the SNP-only case, and errors out if there is a single non-SNP.


Thank you for your reply.
It means I should find a way to separate indels and SNP first right?

P.S. an experiment:
I manually edited my tped file to let one sample with a genotype of G/A in this variant. After running plink2(with --ref-from-fa and --fa), the vcf shows Ref/Alt=G/A in this variant. The sample I edited has a genotype of 0/1, while the other samples have a genotype of 1/1.

…and if you are able to do that properly, you should just use —ref-allele instead, since that is not inherently unsafe in the way that an augmented —ref-from-fa would have to be.


Thanks for your advice.
I extracted the variant ID and corresponding Ref allele from an array annotation CSV file provided by the supplier. I then used the '--ref-allele' argument to pass this file to Plink2. The preliminary results appear to be fine, but now I am reviewing them closely to verify the accuracy of the Ref/Alt alleles.