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pgenlib: when reading a .pgen file, must each row in that table be an individual? Or a SNP?

richelbilderbeek opened this issue · comments

Hi @chrchang and other PLINK maintainers.

&TLDR: when reading a .pgen file using pgenlib, am I correct that each row holds an individual?

Here, I start the story with a simple PLINK binary .bed file, that -upon reading using the genio R package- looks like this:

We can see that there are 4 SNPs (snp_1 to and including snp_4) and 3 individuals (eloquently named 1, 2 and 3):

      1 2 3
snp_1 1 0 1
snp_2 0 1 1
snp_3 2 0 0
snp_4 2 0 0

When I convert that PLINK binary .bed file to a PLINK2 binary .pgen file using PLINK2, the .pgen table -upon reading with pgenlib- looks like this:

  snp_1 snp_2 snp_3 snp_4
1     1     0     2     2
2     0     1     0     0
3     1     1     0     0

Also here, we can see that there are 4 SNPs and 3 individuals.

The unexpected thing is that the table is transposed.

Now, the unexpectedness can come from genio or pgenlib, but as has the official .pgen specification, I feel the table should match the .pgen file's make-up. Sadly, from those specs, I could not determine how a .pgen file is ordered: does each line (which becomes a row in a table) hold a SNP (as in genio ) or an individual (as is in pgenlib now).

So, does pgenlib follow the .pgen file format, with each row being an individual?

If needed, there is a reprex below. Also, Already attached are the files in PLINK1 text format, PLINK1 binary format and PLINK2 binary format. I converted these using PLINK (text -> binary) and PLINK2 (PLINK binary -> PLINK2 binary).

Thanks and cheers, Richel Bilderbeek

# Uses the plinkr R package
# First do:
#  remotes::install_github("richelbilderbeek/plinkr")
# Then do:
#  library(plinkr)

test_that("demonstrate .pgen row/column ordering differs from genio's .bed", {

  # Convert data
  # 1. Create an asymmetrical PLINK1 text data set
  # 2. Convert to an asymmetrical PLINK1 binary data set
  # 3. Convert to PLINK2 binary

  # Convert using files only
  # 4. Save PLINK1 text data files
  # 5. Convert to PLINK1 binary data files
  # 6. Convert to PLINK2 binary data files

  # Convert data
  # 1. Create an asymmetrical PLINK1 text data set
  assoc_qt_params <- create_demo_assoc_qt_params()
  plink_text_data <- assoc_qt_params$data
  n_individuals <- nrow(assoc_qt_params$data$ped_table)
  expect_equal(3, n_individuals)
  n_snps <- nrow(assoc_qt_params$data$map_table)
  expect_equal(4, n_snps)
  expect_true(n_snps != n_individuals) # must be asymetric

  # 2. Convert to an asymmetrical PLINK1 binary data set
  plink_bin_data <- convert_plink_text_data_to_plink_bin_data(plink_text_data)
  expect_equal(nrow(plink_bin_data$fam_table), n_individuals)
  expect_equal(nrow(plink_bin_data$bim_table), n_snps)
  #' @param bed_table a table that maps the SNPs to the individuals,
  #' of which the column names are the names of the individuals,
  #' the row names are the names of the SNPs,
  #' and the values are the SNP variant.
  expect_equal(ncol(plink_bin_data$bed_table), n_individuals)
  expect_equal(nrow(plink_bin_data$bed_table), n_snps)

  # 3. Convert to an asymmetrical PLINK2 binary data set
  plink2_bin_data <- convert_plink_bin_data_to_plink2_bin_data(plink_bin_data)
  expect_equal(nrow(plink2_bin_data$psam_table), n_individuals)
  expect_equal(nrow(plink2_bin_data$pvar_table), n_snps)
  #' @param pgen_table an \link{array} that maps the individuals
  #'   to their SNPs, with as much rows as individuals, and as much
  #'   SNPs as columns. Optionally, the row names are the individuals' IDs,
  #'   where the column names are the SNP ID's
  expect_equal(nrow(plink2_bin_data$pgen_table), n_individuals)
  expect_equal(ncol(plink2_bin_data$pgen_table), n_snps)

  # Convert using files only
  # 4. Save PLINK1 text data files
  # 5. Convert to PLINK1 binary data files
  # 6. Convert to PLINK2 binary data files
  folder <- get_plinkr_tempfilename()
  plink_text_base_input_filename <- file.path(folder, "plink_text")
  plink_bin_base_input_filename <- file.path(folder, "plink_bin")
  plink2_bin_base_input_filename <- file.path(folder, "plink2_bin")
    base_input_filename = plink_text_base_input_filename
    base_input_filename = plink_text_base_input_filename,
    base_output_filename = plink_bin_base_input_filename
    base_input_filename = plink_bin_base_input_filename,
    base_output_filename = plink2_bin_base_input_filename

  # Each row holds a SNP
  #       1 2 3
  # snp_1 1 0 1
  # snp_2 0 1 1
  # snp_3 2 0 0
  # snp_4 2 0 0

    bed_filename = paste0(plink_bin_base_input_filename, ".bed"),
    bim_filename = paste0(plink_bin_base_input_filename, ".bim"),
    fam_filename = paste0(plink_bin_base_input_filename, ".fam")

  # Each row holds an individual
  #   snp_1 snp_2 snp_3 snp_4
  # 1     1     0     2     2
  # 2     0     1     0     0
  # 3     1     1     0     0

    pgen_filename = paste0(plink2_bin_base_input_filename, ".pgen"),
    psam_filename = paste0(plink2_bin_base_input_filename, ".psam"),
    pvar_filename = paste0(plink2_bin_base_input_filename, ".pvar")

The underlying file is variant-major. Individual library functions may perform transposition; you need to look at their documentation.

The underlying file is variant-major. Individual library functions may perform transposition; you need to look at their documentation.

Thanks, your reply will help me doing that and/or improve other libraries :-)