choojs / nanomorph

🚅 - Hyper fast diffing algorithm for real DOM nodes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


yoshuawuyts opened this issue · comments


It'd be neat to have a benchmark to test our diffing needs — perf is a feature, and we should be able to catch regressions.

Given this would need to run in the browser, we'd probably need some tooling around this. I was thinking it'd be cool to run a headless Chrome instance through puppeteer, and use the nanobench module to perform the benches. Would be neat if we could run it as a standalone CLI thing, with similar output to TAP.

But by all means — feel free to pick up this issue, and run with it. Probably worth picking up similar benches as in choojs/choo#492.

Hope this makes sense. Thanks!

FWIW we have some benchmarks setup for emotion that use puppeteer and run on every ci build. Might be some useful stuff to steal.

This looks interesting. I would be happy to take it on.

It'd be cool as I believe there was some regression of choo 5 vs 6, and it chould've been caught

We can do a CI docker build to run it automatically on npm release bumps, this would be best solution


@him2him2 amazing! :D