chocolate42 / flaccid

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Better input handling

chocolate42 opened this issue · comments

It's very limited, 16 bit only and bit rot has set in

  • Read input as it's needed instead of completely before encode begins. Large overhaul required
  • Fix or remove raw input
  • #6
  • Input pipe support
  • #5
  • Once input is overhauled MD5 can be done on ingest

I don't know what you use the raw input for, but if you'd rather want WAV but don't want all the processing that comes with it, maybe consider using dr_wav:

Thanks. Raw input was the first thing hastily implemented to be able to test at all, but it's such a pain to deal with that flac input came soon after. Might ditch raw input or match the ./flac interface. dr_wav looks good, will probably implement wav using it when some other issues about input have been resolved.

A real use case for raw input is handling audio from CD video game rips, the standard there is to store the tracks as multiple-bin+cue where the data is raw 2352 and the audio is raw CDDA. So I think I'll support that and no other raw input and call it good, no one else should really have a major need to handle raw. Even if they do they could do something like have ./flac pipe it in to ./flaccid so flaccid sees a flac file.