chl / oiLabs

Source files for OpenIntro Statistics labs

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OpenIntro Labs

OpenIntro Labs promote the understanding and application of statistics through applied data analysis. Each lab corresponds to a chapter in OpenIntro Statistics, a free and open-source textbook. These source files contain everything necessary to produce the pdf versions of the labs, which can be found along with the textbook at

We are in the process of converting the source files from utilizing LaTeX to Markdown, i.e. .Rnw to .Rmd. The source files are processed using knitr. If you are unfamiliar with working with these file types, you may consider creating your own copy of the Google Doc version of each lab, which can be found at the link above. If you are using RStudio, be sure that you've adjusted your settings to compile source files using the knitr package. For information about knitr, please visit

It is our hope that these materials are useful for instructors and students of statistics. If you end up developing some interesting variants of these labs, please let us know!


Source files for OpenIntro Statistics labs
