chikatoike / IMESupport

IMESupport for Sublime Text 2/3

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Crash when dragging tabs.

Aqzhyi opened this issue · comments

Hello expert!

This package is good for Chinese users too. Even Chinese users wrote blog articles to introduce this package.

But I get a problem with it. I have no idea about it.

I record a video to describe the problem.

Is there an easy way to resolve this problem?

system environment:

Thanks in advance!

Sorry for the delay reply.

Probably this problem is not related to Chinese IME.
I am using Japanese IME. But I have ever seen same problem.
I didn't know which package causes this problem. But IMESupport causes it as far as to see the video.

I want to fix this problem, but I cannot reproduce it just now and don't have any idea.
In early state of development of IMESupport, I saw freqently crashing when dragging tabs but I have not seen recently.
In addition, I have not fixed any to be associated with this problem.

So, I want to know your installation package is up-to-date.

Or, there is another solution to avoid this problem by using the keyboard shortcut.
I found a package to move tabs by keyboard.

I changed title of this issue.

Thank you very much for reply this issues.

But now, I have no idea too.

At first because enabled IMESupport lead to crash.
But since I disabled this package and continue working with Sublime Text 2, Two days past.
Now I cannot reproduce it anymore. ( ̄ε(# ̄) #○=(一-一o)

I will continue enable this package and take care about it.
If it happen again, I will disable every package unless I find the causes!
and report you immediately.

At last, sometimes Sublime Text 2 will output a error message, maybe helpful to you, I hope.


Please excuse my bad English and thanks for reply.