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Kanban board faulty behavior

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So I was trying to setup some kanban boards and came across 2 faults in the implementation:

  • When the updater does not find a link, it stops its loop and doesn't try to update subsequent links
  • Personal preference The updater indiscriminately updates all links regardless of where they are. This clashes with date links that are included via @[[]] and other non-task links that may be in the card (e.g. The task is to update the [[Thing]] ...) where the [[Thing]] link is obviously not meant to be updated. I have resolved these issues in my personal copy of the plugin. Here is the code in case you might want to update it for a subsequent release.

On another note, why does the auto kanban not work with auto progress?

 async updateFilesInBoard(links, board, kanbanBoardFileContent) {
        for (const link of links) {
            /* Custom code section: only consider links that are at the start of the card.
            This avoids updating of date links or other link references within the card. */
            if (link.position.start.col == 6) {
              const linkFile = this.getLinkFile(link);
              const linkIsMarkdownFile = !!abstractFileToMarkdownTFile(linkFile);
              if (!linkFile || !linkIsMarkdownFile) {
                  log.logMessage(`${} is not updatable for the KanbanHelper.`);
                  /* Bug: the kanban update stops when it encounters a bad link */
              await this.updateFileInBoard(link, linkFile, board, kanbanBoardFileContent);

Similar issues are reported in #45