chenzhaiyu / points2poly

Reconstructing compact building models from point clouds using deep implicit fields [ISPRS 2022]

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how to reconstruct my own data

alvin528 opened this issue · comments


Your work is excellent, and I managed to run through the examples. I would like to ask how to reconstruct my own point cloud file. Now I only have some .PLY files.

Hi, in principle, your data should conform to the structure of the provided demo data. If you only need direct reconstruction from your point clouds without training, you can follow these steps:

  1. Convert your PLY files into points2surf-compatible NPY format (n * 3). You can either place your PLY files under ./datasets/(DATASET_NAME)/00_base_pc then run points2surf/, or manually do the conversion. Refer to points2surf/ for more details.
  2. Extract planar primitives from your (normalised) point clouds. This can be done with Mapple. You can build Mapple (as an application) from Easy3D, or directly download one of the executables. In Mapple, you can use Point Cloud - RANSAC primitive extraction to extract planar primitives, and then save the extraction results (.vg format) into ./datasets/(DATASET_NAME)/06_vertex_group.
  3. Now you should be able to reconstruct your point clouds the same way you did with the example data. Notice that you might need to train another model instead of the provided one, depending on your data's characteristics.

I will update the README later to cover these steps.


Very detailed steps, thank you for your reply!