chenyunguiMilook / SwiftyXML

The most swifty way to deal with XML data in swift 5.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Characters are removed before first non-ascii character

toreboes opened this issue · comments

In the attached xml response (Google geocode response.pdf, this is the response from url,10), the value of xml["result"][0]["address_component"][3]["short_name"].stringValue is "ør-Trøndelag" (xml is the value of XML(data: data) from the response (using Alamofire)). The correct response should be "Sør-Trøndelag". Thus, the first S is missing. I have also seen other examples where multiple (all) characters before the first non-ascii character is removed in the stringValue.


@toreboes Thanks, the issue been fixed!
