chenwj1989 / python-speech-enhancement

a python library for speech enhancement

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snr estimate

rainskyfyy opened this issue · comments


what are #1~#5 mean in the 75~79 lines of file "pns/"?
like this:
#1 rough noise estimation
#2 rough a priori and posteri snr estimation
#3 speech presence prabability estimation
#4 precise noise estimation
#5 a priori and posteri snr estimation
I only see codes of condition "fnz_flag==1" here. Are you going to accomplish them in the future?
Actually, I want to do snr estimate with your code in this project. could you please tell me how I can do the calculation? Thanks !!!


hi @rainskyfyy
I think #1~5 is implemented in noise_estimator (line 82), which are the steps of IMCRA.

Hi @rainskyfyy , sorry I've not very active on github for a while.

The nosie estimation is implemented in
Please refer to Cohen's papers for more details on noise estimation.
I. Cohen and B. Berdugo, Speech Enhancement for Non-Stationary Noise Environments, Signal Processing, Vol. 81, No. 11, Nov. 2001, pp. 2403-2418.
I. Cohen, Noise Spectrum Estimation in Adverse Environments: Improved Minima Controlled Recursive Averaging, IEEE Trans. Speech and Audio Processing, Vol. 11, No. 5, Sep. 2003, pp. 466-475.

Thank you @SouppuoS for the reply.