chennighan / FowlJS

FowlJS is a JavaScript library for filtering profanity.

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FowlJS FowlJS

FowlJS is a JavaScript library for filtering profanity.


Wiki and Other Resources


  • download /dist/fowl.js or /dist/fowl.min.js and include in your project, for example:
// non-minified
<script src="path/to/your/fowl.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 

// minified
<script src="path/to/your/fowl.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  • invoke fowl.isTextFowl(yourText) for example:
var myText = 'my text contains the word ass and FowlJS will tell me all the fowl shit, I mean text.'
var fowlText = fowl.isTextFowl(myText); // will return ['ass', 'shit']

Development Getting Started

  • npm install - installs the needed module dependencies.
  • npm test - runs the unit tests via phantomjs, karma, mocha, and chai
  • grunt - runs the following tasks in order (note, grunt does this for you, you don't have to):
    • clean - deletes the JavaScript files out of the dist folder.
    • jshint - lints the given JavaScript files for warnings, errors, and general syntax.
    • browserify - loads all the required modules the library needs, concatenates everything, and places the finished fowl.js file inside the dist folder.

Contribution Guidelines


We have a .editorConfig file that contains all of our styling for any editor. Whatever editor you choose to use, please download the extension/addon/plugin you need in order for your editor to pick up and implement the file.


  • We follow JSDoc specifications for comments so for example, please try and adapt/mimic the following:
 * TypeOfFunction(utility, constructor, factory) for doing x,y,z
 * @param {type} nameOfParam: what the param does.
this.explanationFactory = function(nameOfParam) {



  • Our workflow revolves around 2 main branches: master and develop.
  • develop is a direct branch off of master.
  • All feature and bugfix branches will branch off of develop and be prepended with feature/ for feature branches and bugfix/ for bugfix branches. The name of your feature or bugfix must be dash separated, for example:
$ git checkout -b feature/<name-of-my-feature> develop

$ git checkout -b bugfix/<name-of-my-bugfix> develop

Suggested Workflow

  • create a branch for your work:
    $ git checkout -b <type of branch>/<name-of-feature-or-bugfix> develop

  • run the unit tests, ensuring that 100% test coverage is maintained:
    $ npm test

  • run the tasks you need, ensuring no errors occur and that the dist folder is updating with the correct files locally:
    $ grunt

  • commit your work and push to your feature/bugfix branch.

  • create a pull request to merge your feature/bugfix branch into develop.

Please Note

  • All new functions must be accompanied by the appropriate unit testing, and PR's will only be approved if all tests pass, and the addition maintains 100% test coverage across the board.
  • All new code must pass through the jshint linter (automatically run when you run grunt).


  • Have fun, write some quality code, and innovate!