chengchingwen / Transformers.jl

Julia Implementation of Transformer models

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Huggingface Models

SchahinRohani opened this issue · comments

we are new to the Transformers Lib and we want to get familiar with the Lib.
Therefore we would like to have a bit of a guidance on how to implement a Huggingface Model.
We are specially interested in integrating german language models like e.g bert-base-german-cased, deepset/gbert-large.

Any tips or input on this would be highly appreciated. Thank you


I'm not sure what you mean by "custom Huggingface Model". Would need to expand on that.

If you just want to use that model, you can run hgf"bert-base-german-cased"

The "custom" was confusing, so i changed it.
We were able to run the german based bert models with hgf"some-german-bert-model".
Now we are trying to run dbmdz/german-gpt2 by hgf"dbmdz/german-gpt2".
but getting:

ERROR: KeyError: key :vocab not found
[1] getindex(h::Dict{String, Any}, key::Symbol)
@ Base ./dict.jl:481
[2] load_tokenizer(::Val{:gpt2}, model_name::String; force_fast_tkr::Bool, possible_files::Vector{String}, config::Transformers.HuggingFace.HGFGPT2Config, tkr_cfg::Nothing, kw::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Union{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}})
@ Transformers.HuggingFace ~/.julia/packages/Transformers/xjEIh/src/huggingface/implementation/gpt2/tokenizer.jl:50
[3] #load_tokenizer#103
@ ~/.julia/packages/Transformers/xjEIh/src/huggingface/tokenizer/tokenizer.jl:34 [inlined]
[4] load_tokenizer(model_name::String; possible_files::Nothing, config::Transformers.HuggingFace.HGFGPT2Config, kw::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Union{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}})
@ Transformers.HuggingFace ~/.julia/packages/Transformers/xjEIh/src/huggingface/tokenizer/tokenizer.jl:31
[5] load_hgf_pretrained(name::String)
@ Transformers.HuggingFace ~/.julia/packages/Transformers/xjEIh/src/huggingface/HuggingFace.jl:56
[6] top-level scope
@ REPL[6]:1
[7] top-level scope
@ ~/.julia/packages/CUDA/DfvRa/src/initialization.jl:52

Shouldn't the GPT2 Models be interchangeable in the GPT2 Text Generation Example?


Shouldn't the GPT2 Models be interchangeable in the GPT2 Text Generation Example?

It should be. That's probably a bug. I'll fixed it this weekend.

Is this the only question of this issue?

I found out that the main branch of dbmdz/german-gpt2 doesnt have a vocab.json.
An older version dbmdz/german-gpt2-faust has the vocab.json file and is also working, so it is not a problem with this lib.

Thank you for the fast response!


It take longer than I thought, but with Transformers v0.1.22 it should be able to load tokenizer from dbmdz/german-gpt2.