chef-cookbooks / chef-server

Cookbook to install standalone Chef Server

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add support for "source" attributes to chef-ingredient

qubitrenegade opened this issue · comments

Cookbook version


Chef-client version

any (we support 12 and 13 internally)

Platform Details

CentOS (any)


We need to be able to specify the location that the Chef RPMs come from. Supplying a "repo" cookbook is not sufficient as we are not installing from repos.

Steps to Reproduce:

I was able to solve my issue by using edit_resource!, however, this feels like it's prone to failure... and could make debugging hard:

  'chef-server' => 'https://some.internal.address/chef-server.rpm',
  'chef-manage' => 'https://some.internal.address/chef-manage.rpm'
}.each do |pkg, src|
  edit_resource!(:chef_ingredient, pkg) do
    package_source source

Expected Result:

What I would like to see is a method of passing the source RPM to the appropriate blocks. For instance, I was thinking instead of passing a hash of package => version you could pass a package => config_hash such that:

default['chef-server']['addons'] = {'chef-manage' => '2.5.0', reporting: nil}


default['chef-server']['addons'] = {
  'chef-manage': {
    version: '2.5.0',
    source: ''
  push-jobs: {
    version: '1.2.3',
  reporting: nil

Then this could be consumed by updating recipes/addons.rb to

node['chef-server']['addons'].each do |addon, cfg|
 chef_ingredient addon do
   accept_license node['chef-server']['accept_license'] unless node['chef-server']['accept_license'].nil?
   notifies :reconfigure, "chef_ingredient[#{addon}]"
   version cfg['ver'] unless cfg['ver'].nil?
   package_source cfg['src'] unless cfg['src'].nil?

I think this approach provides the most obvious method of configuration, however, it comes at a cost of backwards incompatibility...

The other solution I was thinking was we could add some logic to recipes/addons.rb

node['chef-server']['addons'].each do |addon, cfg|
 chef_ingredient addon do
   accept_license node['chef-server']['accept_license'] unless node['chef-server']['accept_license'].nil?
   notifies :reconfigure, "chef_ingredient[#{addon}]"
   if cfg.is_a?(Hash)
     version cfg['ver'] unless cfg['ver'].nil?
     package_source cfg['src'] unless cfg['src'].nil?
    elsif cfg =~ /^(http|https|file):\/\//
      package_source cfg
    elsif cfg =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+/
      version cfg

This would be less clean, but would be backwards compatible... I also question if there are other sources, i.e. if you could feed package_source just /path/to/chef-manage.rpm instead of file://path/to/chef-manage.rpm (which would make my regex invalid...)

Actual Result:

I'm more than happy to write the patch and open a pull reuqest, but wanted some feedback from the Chef folks as to which approach would be the more appropriate/most likely to get pulled.


I'd certainly be open to a PR that would add just this if you or someone else reading this is interested in this feature.