chef-cookbooks / chef-server

Cookbook to install standalone Chef Server

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private-chef cookbook crashing with common-name attribute

dfduarte opened this issue · comments

Good afternoon,

I'm trying to run the chef-server cookbook using chef-provisioning (and chef-solo from Vagrant), and it returning the following error:

                          Recipe Compile Error in /opt/opscode/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/private-chef/recipes/default.rb

                          common_name is required

                          Cookbook Trace:
                            /opt/opscode/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/private-chef/recipes/nginx.rb:58:in `block in from_file'
                            /opt/opscode/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/private-chef/recipes/nginx.rb:57:in `from_file'
                            /opt/opscode/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/private-chef/recipes/default.rb:208:in `block in from_file'
                            /opt/opscode/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/private-chef/recipes/default.rb:191:in `each'
                            /opt/opscode/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/private-chef/recipes/default.rb:191:in `from_file'

                          Relevant File Content:

                           52:  ssl_keyfile = File.join(nginx_ca_dir, "#{node['private_chef']['nginx']['server_name']}.key")
                           53:  ssl_crtfile = File.join(nginx_ca_dir, "#{node['private_chef']['nginx']['server_name']}.crt")
                           54:  ssl_dhparam = File.join(nginx_ca_dir, 'dhparams.pem')
                           56:  # Generate self-signed SSL certificate
                           57:  openssl_x509 ssl_crtfile do
                           58>>   common_name node['private_chef']['nginx']['server_name']
                           59:    org node['private_chef']['nginx']['ssl_company_name']
                           60:    org_unit node['private_chef']['nginx']['ssl_organizational_unit_name']
                           61:    country node['private_chef']['nginx']['ssl_country_name']
                           62:    key_length node['private_chef']['nginx']['ssl_key_length']
                           63:    expire node['private_chef']['nginx']['ssl_duration']
                           64:    owner 'root'
                           65:    group 'root'
                           66:    mode '0644'
                           67:  end

                          [2015-09-10T17:10:11+00:00] ERROR: Running exception handlers
                          [2015-09-10T17:10:11+00:00] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
                          [2015-09-10T17:10:11+00:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /opt/opscode/embedded/cookbooks/cache/chef-stacktrace.out
                          [2015-09-10T17:10:13+00:00] FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed: common_name is required
                          STDERR: sudo: unable to resolve host ip-10-0-0-151
                          sudo: unable to resolve host ip-10-0-0-151
                          sudo: unable to resolve host ip-10-0-0-151
                          ERROR: CONFIGURATION ERROR:Specified config file /etc/opscode/pivotal.rb does not exist
                          sudo: unable to resolve host ip-10-0-0-151
                          ERROR: CONFIGURATION ERROR:Specified config file /etc/opscode/pivotal.rb does not exist
                          ---- End output of "bash"  "/tmp/chef-script20150910-3220-19gpj5q" ----
                          Ran "bash"  "/tmp/chef-script20150910-3220-19gpj5q" returned 1

These errors started suddenly, and the chef-client cannot run the recipe due this. Note: I've used the wrapper that manages this cookbook (chef-server) before, without problems

The only one attribute passed by wrapper, is:

node.override['chef-server']['api-fqdn'] = node['ipaddress']

I was able to repo this too.

[2015-09-23T16:46:46+00:00] WARN: common_name nil currently does not overwrite the value of common_name. This will change in Chef 13, and the value will be set to nil instead. Please change your code to explicitly accept nil using "property :common_name, [MyType, nil]", or stop setting this value to nil.

  Recipe Compile Error in /opt/opscode/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/private-chef/recipes/default.rb

  common_name is required

  Cookbook Trace:
    /opt/opscode/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/private-chef/recipes/nginx.rb:58:in `block in from_file'
    /opt/opscode/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/private-chef/recipes/nginx.rb:57:in `from_file'
    /opt/opscode/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/private-chef/recipes/default.rb:208:in `block in from_file'
    /opt/opscode/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/private-chef/recipes/default.rb:191:in `each'
    /opt/opscode/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/private-chef/recipes/default.rb:191:in `from_file'

  Relevant File Content:

   52:  ssl_keyfile = File.join(nginx_ca_dir, "#{node['private_chef']['nginx']['server_name']}.key")
   53:  ssl_crtfile = File.join(nginx_ca_dir, "#{node['private_chef']['nginx']['server_name']}.crt")
   54:  ssl_dhparam = File.join(nginx_ca_dir, 'dhparams.pem')
   56:  # Generate self-signed SSL certificate
   57:  openssl_x509 ssl_crtfile do
   58>>   common_name node['private_chef']['nginx']['server_name']
   59:    org node['private_chef']['nginx']['ssl_company_name']
   60:    org_unit node['private_chef']['nginx']['ssl_organizational_unit_name']
   61:    country node['private_chef']['nginx']['ssl_country_name']
   62:    key_length node['private_chef']['nginx']['ssl_key_length']
   63:    expire node['private_chef']['nginx']['ssl_duration']
   64:    owner 'root'
   65:    group 'root'
   66:    mode '0644'
   67:  end

  Running handlers:
[2015-09-23T16:46:46+00:00] ERROR: Running exception handlers
  Running handlers complete
[2015-09-23T16:46:46+00:00] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
  Chef Client failed. 1 resources updated in 10.379691033 seconds
[2015-09-23T16:46:46+00:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /opt/opscode/embedded/cookbooks/cache/chef-stacktrace.out
[2015-09-23T16:46:47+00:00] FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed: common_name is required

/cc @ryancragun

Hello jjasghar.

I figured out that this problem is related to a known bug with the Nginx cookbook (that Chef-server cookbook uses, also). The bug is a cookbook crash, when the machine to be configured, don't have a resolvable hostname and a VALID hostname (at least), and don't have a hostname set within OHAI.

At least here, I solved this setting a valid and correct hostname for my instance.

I don't know if this is related to your problem, as my issue here (besides the both problem are the same), but it's a good way to look for the solution.

Ah yep! I just sudo echo " <HOSTNAME> <HOSTNAME>" >> /etc/hosts and it worked. Thanks!

Facing this as well when installing on EC2.
[ec2-user@ip-XYZ ~]$ cat /etc/hosts localhost localhost.localdomain

Confirmed on ec2 default ubuntu 14.04

This just bit me today also. I too am attempting to use the 'official' ubuntu image on EC2.

Make an entry in /etc/hosts using the name provided by executing the 'hostname' command. ip-172-28-0-156.ec2.internal

Any suggestions on how to work around this if you want to host the chef-server on a different sub-domain? I've changed the following, for example:

default['private_chef']['nginx']['server_name'] = "chef.#{node['fqdn']}"

That appears to work for the hosting, but the cert generated is based on the hostname only - I want the common_name for the server cert to be chef.hostname

Confirmed on ec2 default ubuntu 14.04
Fixed with:

hostname `curl`

This should largely be resolved by setting the api_fqdn as appropriate or leaving unset to use IP addresses. Feel free to open new issues if this is manifesting presently.

just updating that this is still relevant as of today, fixing using sudo echo " <HOSTNAME> <HOSTNAME>" >> /etc/hosts

I used this command to avoid looking up for hostname:

eval "sudo echo \" $(hostname) $(hostname)\" >> /etc/hosts"

i got the same error and tried to install/ un-install the chef. no luck

then, i tried the above step. and then "reconfigured" it is working. thanks.

echo " chef_server">> /etc/hosts