chef-boneyard / chef-provisioning

A library for creating machines and infrastructures idempotently in Chef.

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File copy operations as part of machine resource silently fail.

chazzly opened this issue · comments

While working my way around issue #237, @stuartpreston pointed out that copy operations (at least to Windows nodes) fail silently during converge. To reproduce:

machine 'windows-box' do
file 'c:\non-existing\dir\file.txt', 'file.txt'
action :converge

On converge, the file will show as being successfully copied, and not show an error.

Since 'machine' doesn't have a "directory" property, I think creating the directory is reasonable. While @stuartpreston 's suggestion works, it seems like an unnecessary complication.

$ chef -v
Chef Development Kit Version: 0.10.0
chef-client version: 12.5.1

Using driver aws and a standard aws windows server 2012r2 image.