checkiz / elixir-bson

BSON documents in Elixir language


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Error decoding empty string values

trenpixster opened this issue · comments

When attempting to decode an empty string, the decoder triggers the following error:

[what: ["a", :bytestring], acc: [[]], rest: {1, <<0, 0>>}]

Indeed not normal, I will check.

Be aware that elixir-mongo v0.4.0 is still in development. Use v0.3.1 that uses previous version of elixir-bson

Thanks! Using v0.3.1 I'm unable to retrieve data from the DB (it returns nil). Probably because I'm running Elixir v1.0.0 instead of v0.15.1.