check39 / YewnoTest

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


1. I downloaded blogs from Blog Authorship Corpus and store them in HDFS
2. Created Spark program in scala so it can run on distributed files in parallel.
3. Created G2Test.scala which takes matrix and similar to ChiTest, it returns statistic and pValue as per logic described in assignment.
4. Created WordPostCountsByAuthor utility which helps merging all results for same word. Due to extra pre-processing (explained below), merge is pretty simple, just appending.
5. Created WordSimilarityWithG2Test.scala which reads blogs from HDFS, parses them and creates termsToDocs which represents concise and efficient data structure to retrieve posts where word occurred at least once.
5.1. So whenever findSimilarity is called for word x and y, it would lookup words in termsToDocs and find number of posts where words have appeared at least once and find probabilities for: p(x, y), p(¬x; y), p(x; ¬y) and p(¬x; ¬y).
5.2. Apology for not handling all exceptions in code in case word is not in corpus, etc...

Additional questions

1. Scalability
=> Using spark would take benifit of distributed processing to run in parallel.
=> Since posts for each author were already organized in one file, created efficient termsToDocs map like term -> (artist, list_of_posts). This extra pre-processing would help avoid extra reduceByKey operation which is expensive shuffling operation.
=> termsToDocs is calculated once and cached for reuse later. This would make findSimilarity function very fast. We can even cache results in HDFS so it survives restarts.
2. Incremental/Streaming updates
=> As you can see WordPostCountsByAuthor abstracts merging results for each word. So we can add a new functionality to add new blogs and keep running reduce operation to merge results for same words.
=> We can provide addNewBlogs() function so user can call anytime new blogs added.
=> And if blogs are added more frequently then we can create file listener for blogs directory and keep merging new blogs into termsIntoDocs.



Language:Scala 100.0%