chbrown / config

My preferred system preferences

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Version controlled configuration files

First, prepare the home directory structure, so that non-config files don't creep in:

mkdir -p ~/.{ansible,clojure,config,cpan,lein} \
         ~/.sbt/{0.13,1.0}/plugins \
         ~/.ipython/profile_default/startup \

Install dotfiles/ with GNU Stow:

git clone
cd config
stow --ignore=DS_Store -t $HOME -S dotfiles

N.b.: stow's --ignore=REGEX option implicitly adds an $ to the end.

.bashrc sources ~/.localrc if it exists.

echo 'export MACHINE=local' > ~/.localrc

Install the other macOS-only configuration files:

stow -t $HOME -S macOS



stow -t $HOME -D dotfiles
stow -t $HOME -D macOS

Install Alfred Preferences

Create directories so that only files are linked:

(cd alfred && find . -type d) | (cd $ALFRED && xargs mkdir -p)

Link all files:

stow -t $ALFRED -S alfred

macOS system settings

/etc/paths should look something like this:


These are loaded into the PATH variable, separated by colons.

/etc/path.d/* might also contain some files. These are put after the contents of /etc/paths.

This repository also provides a script that helps configure an OS X install with reasonable defaults. It does a few things:

  • chown's the system Python site-packages to the current user.
  • Installs some basic useful packages with Homebrew.
  • Uses defaults to remove many animations, disable a few warnings, overall making OS X more expert-friendly.


Copyright © 2011-2017 Christopher Brown. MIT Licensed.


My preferred system preferences


Language:Shell 52.1%Language:Clojure 16.5%Language:Perl 12.6%Language:Scala 6.9%Language:Python 3.9%Language:JavaScript 3.6%Language:Vim Script 2.6%Language:CSS 1.1%Language:Emacs Lisp 0.9%