chavezcr27 / PromptChatGPT

Processwire module to process a field value with the Chat GPT API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

PromptChatGPT – A Processwire module to process a field value with the Chat GPT API

PromptChatGPT is a module for the CMS Processwire which is triggered on save and processes the value of a page field using ChatGPT. The processed value can be saved back to the field or to another field on the same page.


  1. Download and install PromptChatGPT
  2. Configure the module settings if needed (ChatGPT Key is required, you can get one here)
  3. Open a page, click on the arrow next to the save-button, choose ›Save + send to ChatGPT‹

Note You need to add a billing method in order to obtain a valid ChatGPT API key, and the key must be generated AFTER you have provided your billing credentials. Otherwise, the key won’t work (tested and validated in March 2023)


  • ChatGPT API Key (required)
  • Included Templates (Templates which will show the dropdown option. If no selection is made, all templates are included)
  • Source Field (Field which will be processed)
  • Target Field (Field which is used to save the response)
  • Commando string for ChatGPT (Will be prefixed to the source field so you can add hints what to do with the text, e.g. ›write a summary with max. 400 characters of the following text:‹)
  • Test Settings (send a test request to ChatGPT on module config save)

Field support

  • PageTitle(Language)
  • Text(Language)
  • Textarea(Language)

Please note, this is an alpha release. Please use in production only after thorough testing for your own project and create Github issues for bugs found if possible.


Processwire module to process a field value with the Chat GPT API

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:PHP 100.0%