charmbracelet / wishlist

The SSH directory ✨

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Remote connection rendering on Windows

Philistino opened this issue · comments


Really love the idea of this project! The TUI works great until the connection is made, at which point the terminal of the remote machine is not shown and only a few characters of a typed command can be displayed, if at all. I am running on Windows 10 and I tried the new windows terminal with powershell, normal old cmd prompt, and the powershell terminal. Screenshots below.

Thanks for your work on this exciting project and I hope this helps.
Edit: I built the binary using go 1.18 and I connected using the wishlist command with no flags or positional arguments, selected the host, and hit enter.

Screenshot 2022-07-09 000413

Screenshot 2022-07-09 000128


Same problem here, built from source using go version go1.18.4 windows/amd64.

hmm, just to be sure, a few questions:

  • are you running the wishlist in local mode?
    • if so, are you running it within WSL?
    • if not, is the wishlist server running in Linux or WSL?
  • does this issue happens accessing linux machines only?



I built it and using it on Windows 10 (no WSl involved) and I simply execute "wishlist.exe".
I have only tried it for Linux remotes.

Hey, adding to this. Rendering is messed up only on Windows, it works perfectly fine on my WSL instance. Using the newest release (v0.14.0) via scoop on Windows and installed it on my Kali instance via the method described in the README.
The Windows output looks as follows:


This is the Linux/Kali output:


In both cases, I am connecting to the same server. To answer the previous questions:

  1. In both cases, wishlist is running in local mode.
  2. No wishlist server instance is running on the server.
  3. I have not been able to test if this happens when trying to reach machines that run any other system than Linux.

thanks for all the info!

can you check if #241 fixes this?

I put the screenshot in the PR comments as well, but this is what it looks like when using that branches files to compile the exe file myself:

awesome, thank you for verifying 🙏🏻