charmbracelet / soft-serve

The mighty, self-hostable Git server for the command line🍦

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Cannot copy from soft-serve's out (via mouse in the terminal)

curio77 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
For me, in Konsole/X11/Linux (but I'm pretty sure it's not specific), it's impossible to copy anything from soft-serve's output, in particular not the SSH clone commands. Being able to do so is something pretty elementary in a terminal and hence a pretty major issue, IMO. I suspect it's not a soft-serve issue but rather one of the underlying libraries, but I'm not familiar enough with the charmbracelet ecosystem to tell which.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Connect to a soft-serve host via SSH from a terminal/console; in my case, it's Konsole on X11 in Linux.
  2. See the list of repos, including SSH clone commands.
  3. Try to select one of the clone commands (or really anything) with the mouse (drag over it, double-click it) and realize this is not possible.
  4. Be disappointed because this should be a given in any terminal output. :-(

Expected behavior
I should be able to select text in general and the clone commands in particular, to copy and paste them.

—not helpful—

Environment (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Linux/Gentoo (up-to-date)
  • Terminal: Konsole (KDE/Plasma; v23.08.4)
  • Version: v0.7.4 (latest)

Additional context