charmbracelet / bubbletea

A powerful little TUI framework 🏗

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

prepare console: set console mode: Paramètre incorrect

bussiere opened this issue · comments

Here is my configuration Windows Seven 32 bit

and with this example :

and i have this error :

←[?25l←[?1049h←[0;0H←[?1003hDo mouse stuff. When you're done press q to quit.

←[3;0H2022/01/25 08:24:27 prepare console: set console mode: Paramètre incorrect

I can understand that you won't support this platform. Thanks for the project btw

I think Windows only re-introduced ANSI support with the Windows 10 release. You could probably use another terminal (the official Windows Terminal might work) and should be able to run Bubble Tea programs.