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PowerShell windows resize

antonmedv opened this issue · comments


I'm playing with the new Windows Terminal and PowerShell. And looks like something is wrong with resizing there.

Here is what I'm getting after resizing the terminal in llama.
Снимок экрана (3)

cmd.exe resize also not works.

Git Bash for windows not working either.

Thanks for posting. Window resizes on Windows in general are currently unsupported because Windows doesn’t implement the SIGWINCH signal.

Once #140 is merged, however, resizes should work on Windows.

@antonmedv I’ll see what needs to happen for #140 to get merged. My understanding is that it’s ready to go and we generally just need to test it out. Feel free to check it out as well.

Awesome! Thanks for your not easy work on this project) Will test it definitely as I'm willing to port llama to win as well.