CharlotteGore / component-skeleton

A skeleton project for developing Component/Component modules using Grunt

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Component Skeleton

A stub/skeleton project for developing Components. Uses Grunt to run jshint on your source file, install dependencies, build your component and then run tests using mocha-phantomjs with chai.


Hard to say if this step is essential, but I found the test runner only works if PhantomJS is installed, is up to date, and is in your $PATH environment var. This may apply only to windows.


Clone the repo to a useful folder, remove the existing remote repo and add your own.

$ git clone difference-engine-emulator
$ cd difference-engine-emulator
$ git remote rm origin
$ git remote add origin
$ npm install

If you don't have Grunt cli installed already, you should also do:

$ npm install -g grunt-cli

And if you haven't got Component cli tools already installed you should do:

$ npm install -g component

And you're going to need node and npm installed to do any of this. Obviously.

Basic configuration of the component.json

The component.json in the repo is just a stup. As a minimum, replace

"name": "component-skeleton",
"repo": "charlottegore/component-skeleton",
"description": "Replace this with the description of the module",


"name": "difference-engine-emulator",
"repo": "adalovelace/difference-engine-emulator",
"description": "A Javascript emulation of Babbage's Difference Engine. He never finished it, lazy bugger.",

In this example, after pushing up to github, everyone can do...

$ component install adalovelace/difference-engine-emulator

.. and then invoke your module with

	var engine = require('difference-engine-emulator')

Grunt commands


Runs the tests. In this case, it uses mocha-phantomjs with chai to open the testrunner.html, which loads test.js.

All set up, ready to go... just add tests.

This actually works on Windows, too.

$ grunt test


Installs Component dependencies

$ grunt install


Builds the Component to build/build.js

$ grunt build


Runs JSHint against index.js

$ grunt jshint


Watches index.js and when it detects changes it runs jshint, then install, then build then test automatically.

$ grunt watch




A skeleton project for developing Component/Component modules using Grunt


Language:JavaScript 100.0%