charlesChen02 / RandLA-pytorch

Improved pytorch implementation of RandLA ( with easier transferability and reproductibility

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ksama777 opened this issue · comments

您好,我把checkpoint的路径设置成您那个pretrain文件夹里面的checkpoint ,test切片进行, sequence08的eval的结果好像有些不对 您能帮我看看吗 感谢您

这是我test时候的命令 python3 --test_id 08 --result_dir /media/wx/HDD/DQ/RandLA-pytorch-main/result

(randlanet) wx@dl-group-workstation:/media/wx/HDD/DQ/RandLA-pytorch-main$ python3 --dataset /media/wx/HDD/DQ/semantic_kitti/dataset/sequences --predictions /media/wx/HDD/DQ/RandLA-pytorch-main/result --sequence 08

Eval What: all
Data: /media/wx/HDD/DQ/semantic_kitti/dataset/sequences
Predictions: /media/wx/HDD/DQ/RandLA-pytorch-main/result
Sequences: ['08']
Config: /media/wx/HDD/DQ/RandLA-pytorch-main/utils/semantic-kitti.yaml
Limit: None

Opening data config file /media/wx/HDD/DQ/RandLA-pytorch-main/utils/semantic-kitti.yaml
Ignoring xentropy class 0 in IoU evaluation
[IOU EVAL] INCLUDE: [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19]
4071 4071
Evaluating sequences
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 4071/4071 [02:13<00:00, 30.40it/s]
Validation set:
Acc avg 0.063
IoU avg 0.014
IoU class 1 [car] = 0.017
IoU class 2 [bicycle] = 0.001
IoU class 3 [motorcycle] = 0.000
IoU class 4 [truck] = 0.000
IoU class 5 [other-vehicle] = 0.004
IoU class 6 [person] = 0.001
IoU class 7 [bicyclist] = 0.002
IoU class 8 [motorcyclist] = 0.000
IoU class 9 [road] = 0.090
IoU class 10 [parking] = 0.001
IoU class 11 [sidewalk] = 0.046
IoU class 12 [other-ground] = 0.001
IoU class 13 [building] = 0.009
IoU class 14 [fence] = 0.000
IoU class 15 [vegetation] = 0.012
IoU class 16 [trunk] = 0.000
IoU class 17 [terrain] = 0.079
IoU class 18 [pole] = 0.001
IoU class 19 [traffic-sign] = 0.000


请指定test命令的--checkpoint_path 为 pretrain_model/checkpoint.tar 再测试

这么看整个模型是没啥问题的, 关于训练, 可以建议几点:

  1. batch size尽量调大至最大化利用GPU资源, 可以缩短整体训练时间, 提高效率,
  2. epoch 尽量多训练一些, pretrain model是训练的80个左右得到的, 在V100大概用了一整天来训练
  3. utils/ 中有设定 num_points = 4096 * 10 # Number of input points 代表了一个receptive field 的大小, 一般来说越大效果越好. 如果你在非kitti数据集上训练的话记得调整